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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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African Poet : Okigbo, Christopher

52 results

Africa speaks (1972-04-09)

    Author: Brooks, Jeremy Thomas, Dylan
    Date: April 9, 1972
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Brooks, Jeremy Brooks, Jeremy Zell, Hans Silver, Helene King, Bruce Palmer, Eustace Moore, Gerald Omotoso, Kole Tutuola, Amos Thomas, Dylan Thomas, Dylan Ekwensi, Cyprian Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

African Culture Asserted After Struggle (1976-07-22)

    Author: Crowder, Michael
    Date: July 22, 1976
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Tennyson, Alfred Lloyd Keats, John Shakespeare, William Crowder, Michael Crowder, Michael Chopin, Frédéric François Phillips, Thomas King Ekundayo Sowade, Fela Ransome-Kuti, Josiah Jesse 'J. J.' Murray, Kenneth Enwonwu, Odinigwe Benedict Chukwukadibia 'Ben' Ekwensi, Cyprian Idubor, Felix Euba, Akin Rotimi, Ola Okeke, Christopher Uchefuna 'Uche' Udechukwu, Obiora Ladipo, Duro Ogunde, Hubert Ogunmola, Kola Yero, Kasimu Chase, James Hadley Robins, Denise Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times

African Exports (1973-07-27)

    Date: July 27, 1973
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Moore, Gerald Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna Wade, Michael Abrahams, Peter Chandler, Valerie Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

African fiction: a sense of urgency (1976-12-12)

    Author: Brooks, Jeremy
    Date: December 12, 1976
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Brooks, Jeremy Brooks, Jeremy Ekwensi, Cyprian Ousmane, Sembène
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

African Writers Series reaches 100 (1972-02-25)

    Date: February 25, 1972
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Rive, Richard Brutus, Dennis Vincent Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okigbo, Christopher Okara, Gabriel Liyong, Taban Lo Senghor, Léopold Sédar U Tam'si, Tchicaya Ekwensi, Cyprian Kaunda, Kenneth Abrahams, Peter wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Edwards, Paul Aluko, Eniola Conton, William Farquhar Beti, Mongo Cook, David Gatheru, R. Mugo Munonye, John Beier, Ulli Kachingwe, Aubrey Amadi, Elechi Samkange, Stanlake John William Thompson Pieterse, Cosmo La Guma, Alex Odinga, Jaramogi Oginga Oyono, Ferdinand Léopold Konadu, Samuel Asare 'Kwabena Asare Bediako' Djoleto, Amu 'Solomon Alexander' Armah, Ayi Kwei Salih, Tayeb Gbadamosi, Bakare Nkrumah, Kwame Sellassie, Sahle Palangyo, Peter K. Serumaga, Robert Nwapa, Flora Dipoko, Mbella Sonne Asare, Bediako Honwana, Luis Bernardo Umeasiegbu, Rems Ousmane, Sembène Ladipo, Duro Nwankwo, Nkem Ortzen, Len Knappert, Jan Chraïbi, Driss Farah, Nuruddin Mboya, Thomas Joseph Odhiambo Bebey, Francis Maddy, Yulisa Amadu Pat Nzekwu, Onuora Mulaisho, Dominic Ouologuem, Yambo Dadié, Bernard Binlin Mazrui, Ali Al'amin Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The arrest of Ken Saro-Wiwa (1993-07-02)

    Date: July 2, 1993
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Saro-Wiwa, Ken Daniels, A. M. Amadi, Elechi Babangida, Ibrahim
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

At the crossroads of cultures (1975-10-17)

    Author: Gordimer, Nadine
    Date: October 17, 1975
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer, Nadine Ouologuem, Yambo Forster, E. M. Nkrumah, Kwame Mann, Thomas Steiner, George Grass, Günter Wilhelm Levin, Harry Tuchman Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Awaking dreams as others sleep (1991-12-21)

    Date: December 21, 1991
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Times

BOOKS OF THE 1960s-2 (1965-09-16)

    Date: September 16, 1965
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Delius, Anthony 'Ronald St. Martin' Okara, Gabriel Peters, Lenrie Brutus, Dennis Vincent Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okigbo, Christopher Avison, Margaret Birney, Earle Campbell, Alistair Curnow, Allan Daniells, Roy Ghose, Zulfikar Layton, Irving MacEwen, Gwendolen Nwanodi, Glory Porter, Peter Reanly, James Smith, Arthur James Marshall 'A. J. M.' Souster, Raymond Walcott, Derek Abrahams, Peter Aluko, Timothy Mofolorunso 'T. M.' Ballantyne, David Callaghan, Morley Cross, Ian Duckworth, Marilyn Duggan, Maurice Ekwensi, Cyprian Clutha, Nene Janet Paterson 'Janet Frame' Gordimer, Nadine Harris, Theodore Wilson Hearne, John Edgar Colwell Hilliard, Noel Hood, Hugh Jacobson, Dan Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer La Guma, Alex Lamming, George Laurence, Margaret Lowry, Malcolm Ludwig, Jack Barry Malgonkar, Manohar Markandaya, Kamala Moore, Brian Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo Naipaul, V. S. Narayan, Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer 'R. K.' wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Nkosi, Lewis Nwankwo, Nkem Nzekwu, Onuora Patterson, H. Orlando Pearson, Bill Rajan, Balachandra Rao, Sri K. Raja Renault, Mary Richler, Mordecai Roy, Namba Sargeson, Frank Singh, Khushwant Tutuola, Amos White, Patrick Williams, Denis Wilson, Ethel Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Baxter, James Keir 'Jim' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

A change of address (2002-01-25)

    Author: Potts, Robert
    Date: January 25, 2002
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Hill, Geoffrey Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Pound, Ezra Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' Lewis, C. S. Grass, Günter Wilhelm Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Nagy, Imre Potts, Robert Potts, Robert
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Compensations in culture (1968-10-09)

    Author: Mazrui, Ali Al'amin
    Date: October 9, 1968
    Poets: Oculi, Okello Obote, Milton Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' P'Bitek, Okot Fanon, Frantz Omar 'Ibrahim' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Mazrui, Ali Al'amin Mazrui, Ali Al'amin Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Contents (2010-11-05)

    Author: Fraser, Robert McLoughlin, Kate Wilson, Frances
    Date: November 5, 2010
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Fraser, Robert Fraser, Robert McLoughlin, Kate McLoughlin, Kate Wilson, Frances Wilson, Frances Nwakanma, Obi Sturrock, Donald Dahl, Roald Bray, Christopher Connery, Sean
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Cultural Studies (2011-11-04)

    Author: Warnes, Andrew
    Date: November 4, 2011
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Brutus, Dennis Vincent DuBois, W. E. B. Warnes, Andrew Warnes, Andrew Neogy, Rajat Beier, Ulli Gordimer, Nadine Theroux, Paul wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Gates, Henry Louis Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi Lawrence, Jacob Bearden, Romare Epps, Brad Ndongo-Bidyogo, Donato Jelly-Schapiro, Joshua James, Cyril Lionel Robert 'C. L. R.' Webb, Constance Farès, Nabile Baldwin, James Thompson, Peter Arrechea, Alexandre Cole, Teju Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Eng. Lit. Expands (1969-12-04)

    Author: Jeffares, Norman
    Date: December 4, 1969
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Dathrone, Oscar Ronald 'O. R.' Brathwaite, Edward Kamau Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Jeffares, Norman Jeffares, Norman Moore, Gerald Lamming, George Abrahams, Peter Williams, Denis wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Harris, Theodore Wilson Naipaul, V. S. Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Evans (1973-03-02)

    Date: March 2, 1973
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Moore, Gerald Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna Abrahams, Peter Wade, Michael Olusanya, Gabriel Olakunle 'G. O.' Elias, Taslim Olawale 'T. O.'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Far removed (2010-11-05)

    Author: Fraser, Robert
    Date: November 5, 2010
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' Fraser, Robert Fraser, Robert Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Nwakanma, Obi Larkin, Philip Ifeajuna, Emmanuel Hill, Geoffrey Biobaku, Saburi Oladeni Stevenson, Robert Louis Maule, Jeremy Starling, Belinda Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

For Christopher Okigbo (1972-10-09)

    Date: October 9, 1972
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Okigbo, Christopher
    Publisher: The Times

Full Analysis of the War Awaited (1972-03-06)

    Date: March 6, 1972
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Miners, N. J. Luckham, Robin Gowon, Yakubu Dent, Martin de St. Jorre, John Červenka, Zdeněk Kirk-Greene, Anthony Oyinbo, John Akpan, Ntieyong Udo Madiebo, Alexander Azikiwe, Nnamdi Ojukwu, C. Odumegwu Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Gestures of yearning, acts of faith (2012-11-02)

    Author: Batchelor, Paul
    Date: November 2, 2012
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Godolphin, Sidney Hill, Geoffrey Vaughan, Henry Herbert, George Carducci, Giosuè Alessandro Giuseppe Alighieri, Dante Petrarch, Francesco Pound, Ezra Sidney, Philip Flaccus, Quintus Horatius 'Horace' Virgil, Batchelor, Paul Batchelor, Paul Hobbes, Thomas Ruskin, John Lawes, William Dawkins, Richard Lyon, John McDonald, Peter Gramsci, Antonio Croce, Benedetto James, Henry Masaryk, Thomas Ramsey, Frank Oakley, Francis Christopher
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Heinemann (1969-10-02)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Moore, Gerald Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher
    Date: October 2, 1969
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Peters, Lenrie Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Senghor, Léopold Sédar U Tam'si, Tchicaya Reed, John Wake, Clive Cook, David Adali-Mortty, Geormbeeyi Pieterse, Cosmo Moore, Gerald Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Okigbo, Christopher
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Heinemann (1972-03-03)

    Date: March 3, 1972
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Peters, Lenrie Okigbo, Christopher Zell, Hans Silver, Helene Palmer, Eustace wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Omotoso, Kole Mulaisho, Dominic Mazrui, Ali Al'amin Themba, Daniel Canodoce 'Can'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Heinemann Educational Ltd. (1971-11-19)

    Date: November 19, 1971
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Nisbet, Robert Alexander Atkinson, Richard Goodlad, J. S. R. Lipset, Seymour Martin 'S. M.' Raab, E. Hussey, Maurice Cartey, Wilfred Hopkins, Antony
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Leading source for Negro art (1971-10-01)

    Date: October 1, 1971
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Senghor, Léopold Sédar Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okigbo, Christopher Whiteman, Kaye Enahoro, Anthony Eromosele Gowon, Yakubu Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Literary impact on world scene (1970-09-30)

    Date: September 30, 1970
    Poets: Okara, Gabriel Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okara, Gabriel Okigbo, Christopher Cash, James Allan Obo, Peter Pike, Douglas Ekwensi, Cyprian Armah, Ayi Kwei Hutchinson, Alfred Deutsch, André Nwapa, Flora Nwankwo, Nkem Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Literature as Symptom? (1963-01-11)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okara, Gabriel Niven, Alastair
    Date: January 11, 1963
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okara, Gabriel Okara, Gabriel Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okara, Gabriel Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Moore, Gerald Nwoga, Donatus Beier, Ulli Brosnahan, Leonard Francis 'L. F.' Spencer, J. W. Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Niven, Alastair Niven, Alastair
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Literature of the Civil War (1972-03-03)

    Date: March 3, 1972
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Nwankwo, Arthur Ifejika, Samuel Nwapa, Flora Mezu, S. Okechukwu Mazrui, Ali Al'amin Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Lyrics of the President (1973-07-13)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: July 13, 1973
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Péguy, Charles Pierre Perse, Saint-John Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Mezu, S. Okechukwu Beti, Mongo Abrahams, Peter Jahn, Janheinz Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Modern African Writers (1972-02-11)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: February 11, 1972
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Abrahams, Peter Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

New writers emerge after the 'big sleep' (2008-06-24)

    Author: Kantai, Parselelo
    Date: June 24, 2008
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Saro-Wiwa, Ken Kantai, Parselelo Kantai, Parselelo Bakare, Muhtar Amadi, Elechi Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Anikulapo, Jahman Ngalabak, Helon Habila Atta, Sefi Agary, Kaine Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Nigerian traditions (1972-01-07)

    Date: January 7, 1972
    Poets: Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okara, Gabriel Wordsworth, William Okigbo, Christopher
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

One World in Four Volumes (1972-07-07)

    Author: Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.'
    Date: July 7, 1972
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Peters, Lenrie Krige, Uys Brutus, Dennis Vincent Barnes, William Freeman, John Wolfe, Humbert Noyes, Alfred Cameron, Norman Bruce, George Brown, George Mackay Garioch, Robert Higgins, Frederick Robert 'F. R.' Heaney, Seamus Montague, John Murphy, Richard Clarke, Austin Moore, Gerald Edward 'G. E.' Bradley, Francis Herbert 'F. H.' Montale, Eugenio James, Henry Lowell, Robert Cavalcanti, Guido Berryman, John Allyn McAlpin Jackson, Laura 'Riding Jackson' Ellison, Ralph Waldo Pound, Ezra Stein, Gertrude Williams, William Carlos Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key Faulkner, William Hemingway, Ernest Miller, Henry Borges, Jorge Luis Neruda, Pablo Parra, Nicanor Andrade, Jorge Carrera Graves, Robert Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.' Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.' Daiches, David Buchanan, George MacDiarmid, Hugh Christie, Agatha Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville 'P. G.' Rohmer, Sax Clouston, Joseph Storer Huxley, Thomas Henry 'T. H.' Buchan, John Thirkell, Angela Leavis, Frank Raymond 'F. R.' Austen, Jane Dickens, Charles Lawrence, David Herbert 'D. H.' Chekhov, Anton Tolstoy, Leo Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich Comnena, Anna Pselus, Michael Baldwin, James Ginsberg, Allen Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Oxford University Press (1971-06-04)

    Date: June 4, 1971
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Ogundipe-Leslie, Omolara 'Molara' New, William H. Whitelaw, Marjory Riddy, Felicity Tutuola, Amos Faungwa, D. O. Lindfors, Bernth Drayton, Arthur D. Brown, Lloyd W. de Boissière, Ralph Birbalsingh, F. M.
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Paths to Refinement (1969-07-24)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: July 24, 1969
    Poets: Echeruo, Michael J. C. Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The people who are Africa (2010-04-02)

    Author: Van Der Vlies, Andrew Edward
    Date: April 2, 2010
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Van Der Vlies, Andrew Edward Van Der Vlies, Andrew Edward Lindfors, Bernth Buchan, John Cary, Joyce Conrad, Joseph wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

A poet in arms (guns, sub-machine 9mm, 1007) (1966-10-30)

    Date: October 30, 1966
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Pound, Ezra Pearse, Patrick Lorca, Federico García Byron, George Gordon 'Lord Byron' Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Poetry from Africa (1963-08-02)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: August 2, 1963
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Diop, David Mandessi Senghor, Léopold Sédar Ranaivo, Flavien U Tam'si, Tchicaya Rive, Richard Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okara, Gabriel Okigbo, Christopher Brew, Osborne Henry Kwesi Opoku, A. A. Faleti, Adebayo Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Hughes, Langston Guibert, Armand Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Beier, Ulli Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Police hold playwright (1967-10-30)

    Date: October 30, 1967
    Poets: Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

The Power of Print, II: What Do African Intellectuals Read? (1972-05-12)

    Date: May 12, 1972
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okara, Gabriel Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Okigbo, Christopher Cheyney, Peter Christie, Agatha Mackay, Mary 'Marie Corelli' Clay, Bertha M. 'Charlotte Mary Brame' Aluko, Timothy Mofolorunso 'T. M.' Ekwensi, Cyprian Ike, Vincent Chukwuemeka 'V. C.' Nwankwo, Nkem Amadi, Elechi Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Primacy of the Performer (1976-09-17)

    Author: Axworthy, Geoffrey
    Date: September 17, 1976
    Poets: Axworthy, Geoffrey Axworthy, Geoffrey Banham, Martin Jones, Eldred Durosimi Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Ogunde, Hubert Ladipo, Duro Ogunmola, Kola de Graft, Joseph Coleman 'J. C.' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Sutherland, Efua Okigbo, Christopher Rotimi, Ola wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement


    Author: Connock, Michael Barry
    Date: August 10, 1962
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Connock, Michael Barry Connock, Michael Barry Solaru, Deutsch, André Ekwensi, Cyprian Tutuola, Amos Schreiner, Olive Abrahams, Peter Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Luthuli, Albert Reid, Victor Stafford 'V. S.' Hearne, John Edgar Colwell Mittelholzer, Edgar Fagunwa, Daniel Orowole Olorunfẹmi
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Scorning the sonnet (1983-09-16)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' P'Bitek, Okot Okara, Gabriel Carlin, M. M.
    Date: September 16, 1983
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' P'Bitek, Okot P'Bitek, Okot Okara, Gabriel Okara, Gabriel Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Peters, Lenrie Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Liyong, Taban Lo Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Okara, Gabriel P'Bitek, Okot Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Hopkins, Gerard Manley Pound, Ezra Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' Thomas, Dylan Carlin, M. M. Carlin, M. M. Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

A South African Poet (2002-06-20)

    Author: Beier, Ulli Haynes, John
    Date: June 20, 2002
    Poets: Beier, Ulli Beier, Ulli Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Laing, Kojo 'Bernard' Mapanje, Jack 'John Alfred Clement' Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile P'Bitek, Okot Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Ofeimun, Odia Okigbo, Christopher Haynes, John Haynes, John Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Pringle, Thomas
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Surveying Yeats from China to Peru (1966-02-10)

    Author: Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.'
    Date: February 10, 1966
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Blake, William Palmer, Samuel Calvert, Edward Telfer, Giles Faulkner, Peter Maxwell, D. E. S. Bushrui, S. B. Empson, William Fletcher, Ian Jong Gil, Kim Tomlin, Eric Walter Frederick 'E. W. F.' Tomlinson, Charles Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.' Fraser, George Sutherland 'G. S.' Stevenson, Robert Louis
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Then and Now (2014-08-08)

    Author: Potts, Robert
    Date: August 8, 2014
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Hill, Geoffrey Pound, Ezra Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Potts, Robert Potts, Robert Nagy, Imre
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Through the Drum (1972-12-29)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: December 29, 1972
    Poets: Okara, Gabriel Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Palmer, Eustace Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Duerden, Dennis Pieterse, Cosmo Ousmane, Sembène Amadi, Elechi Beti, Mongo Ekwensi, Cyprian Auerbach, Erich wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Armah, Ayi Kwei Larson, Charles R. Oyono, Ferdinand Léopold Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Times Diary (1969-09-03)

    Date: September 3, 1969
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Modisane, William 'Bloke' Lewis, Cecil Day Baraka, Amiri 'LeRoi Jones' Murphy, Rosalie Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

The Times Literary Supplement (1973-07-27)

    Author: Moore, Gerald
    Date: July 27, 1973
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Uprooting the malignat fictions (1988-09-23)

    Author: Clayton, Cherry
    Date: September 23, 1988
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Clayton, Cherry Clayton, Cherry Smith, Pauline Janet van den Heever, C. M. Schreiner, Olive Paton, Alan Tutuola, Amos Baldwin, James
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Voice of the poets (1965-09-13)

    Date: September 13, 1965
    Poets: Aig-Imoukhuede, Frank 'Abiodun' Okigbo, Christopher Baxter, James Keir 'Jim' Stead, Christian Karlson 'C. K.' Turner, W. J. Porter, Peter Domett, Alfred Gordon, Adam Lindsay Chaucer, Geoffrey Skelton, John Donne, John Pope, Alexander Browning, Robert Tennyson, Alfred Lloyd McDonald, Nan Mathew, Ray Patterson, Banjo Service, Robert W. Birney, Earle LePan, Douglas Wevill, David Elworthy, David Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' Butler, Samuel Moraes, Dominic Francis 'Dom' Brooke, Rupert Jones, Evan Figuera, John Walcott, Derek Frost, Robert Lee Shelley, Percy Bysshe Naipaul, V. S. Lamming, George Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Aig-Imoukhuede, Frank 'Abiodun' Okigbo, Christopher Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Wilfred Cartey (1992-03-24)

    Date: March 24, 1992
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Okara, Gabriel Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times