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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Poetry from Africa (1963-08-02)


Book Review


The Times Literary Supplement

Authors (1)

Moore, Gerald


"Poetry from Africa", The Times Literary Supplement, 02 Aug 1963, p. 594 The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200329552/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=4b2d2f38. Accessed 15 Dec 2016


Gerald Moore first critically evaluates the poems included in the collection edited by Langston Hughes; he suggests that while "the accomplished young Nigerian poets Wole Soyinka, J. P. Clark, Gabriel Okara, and Christopher Okigbo suffer from being placed immediately after no fewer than 22 poems from Ghana and Liberia, of which only four by Kwesi Brew and one (translated from Twi) by A. A. Opoku rise above the level of mediocrity." About another poem by Richard Rive, he suggests that "any reader opening the book at this point might be forgiven for flinging it through the window." On the second review, the biography of L S. Senghor, Moore writes that Armand Guibert puts together this "short biogrpahical introduction, a selection of poetry interlarded with exegesis and footnotes, a couple of prose extracts, a dialogue with the poet, a selection of review notices and a bibliography."

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