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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Cultural Studies (2011-11-04)


Critical Article


The Times Literary Supplement

Authors (1)

Warnes, Andrew


"Cultural Studies", The Times Literary Supplement, 04 Nov 2011, 25 The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200562773/TLSH?u=linc74325&sid=gale_api&xid=aa2322cf. Accessed 23 Jan 2020


[Excerpt]: "Few literary magazines have undergone journeys more remarkable than Transition. Founded by Rajat Neogy in Uganda in 1961, the magazine began as a forum for new African writing, and its earliest issues helped to launch the careers of Chinua Achebe, Christopher Okigbo, Ulli Beier, Dennis Brutus, Nadine Gorimer, Paul Theroux and Ngugi wa Thiong'o. Following political repression and allegations of CIA involvement, however, the magazine closed down its Kampala offices in 1968. Wole Soyinka, another original contributor, helped to revive the magazine in Ghana during the 1970s, but it folded again for lack of money. It took the clout and backing of Soyinka's former student at Cambridge, Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr, to relaunch Transition on a more stable footing in 1991..."

Related People (26)

  • Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' | Poet
  • Okigbo, Christopher | Poet
  • Brutus, Dennis Vincent | Poet
  • Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' | Poet
  • DuBois, W. E. B. | Mentioned Poet
  • Warnes, Andrew | Critic
  • Warnes, Andrew | Article Author
  • Neogy, Rajat | Writer
  • Beier, Ulli | Academic
  • Gordimer, Nadine | Writer
  • Theroux, Paul | Writer
  • wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' | Writer
  • Gates, Henry Louis | Academic
  • Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi | Academic
  • Lawrence, Jacob | Artist
  • Bearden, Romare | Artist
  • Epps, Brad | Academic
  • Ndongo-Bidyogo, Donato | Writer
  • Jelly-Schapiro, Joshua | Writer
  • James, Cyril Lionel Robert 'C. L. R.' | Writer
  • Webb, Constance | Artist
  • Farès, Nabile | Writer
  • Baldwin, James | Writer
  • Thompson, Peter | Writer
  • Arrechea, Alexandre | Artist
  • Cole, Teju | Writer

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Repositories (1)

  • The Times Literary Supplement