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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

The Literature of the Civil War (1972-03-03)


Critical Article


The Times Literary Supplement

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"The Literature of the Civil War", The Times Literary Supplement, 03 Mar 1972, p. 247+ The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200379397/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=1217b6c9. Accessed 23 Jan 2020


[Excerpt]: "More than a year before the outbreak of the Nigerian Civil War, the late Christopher Okigbo wrote these lines... At the very beginning of this period, Chinua Achebe had written an unlamenting epitaph on the First Republic in his bitterly satiric novel A Man of the People, published a few days after the first coup and accurately foreseeing a period of military rule, riding upon the people's weary disillusionmnt with the politicians..."

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  • The Times Literary Supplement