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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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  • 1980 166
Decade : 1980

166 results

Seventy-five years on (1985-04-19)

    Author: Williams, Basil
    Date: April 19, 1985
    Poets: Pringle, Thomas Williams, Basil Williams, Basil Cory, George Edward 'G. E.'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Elite performances (1983-01-14)

    Author: Walder, Dennis
    Date: January 14, 1983
    Poets: Walder, Dennis Walder, Dennis Etherton, Michael Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Rotimi, Ola Hussein, Ebrahim Kente, Gibson Ogunde, Hubert Aristotle, Marx, Karl wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Sophiatown Style (1982-08-27)

    Author: Walder, Dennis
    Date: August 27, 1982
    Poets: Ranaivo, Flavien Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Rabemananjara, Jacques Lawrence, David Herbert 'D. H.' Joyce, James Kafka, Franz Sartre, Jean-Paul Walder, Dennis Walder, Dennis Pound, Ezra
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Quiet and disquiet (1985-05-10)

    Author: Walder, Dennis
    Date: May 10, 1985
    Poets: Cullinan, Patrick Livingstone, Douglas Mtshali, Oswald Mbuyiseni Donne, John Walder, Dennis Walder, Dennis
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Specialist issues (1987-11-20)

    Author: Walder, Dennis
    Date: November 20, 1987
    Poets: P'Bitek, Okot Yali-Manisi, David Livingstone Phakamile 'D. L. P.' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Walder, Dennis Walder, Dennis Roberts, Sheila Collins, John H. Wanambisi, Monica Coplan, David Opland, Jeff Skotnes, Cecil Attwell, David Mofolo, Thomas Mokopu Opata, Damian Lindfors, Bernth
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Through colonialist windows (1981-10-16)

    Author: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Baldwin, James
    Date: October 16, 1981
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Baldwin, James Baldwin, James
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

A harsh voice crying in the wilderness (1983-01-23)

    Author: Victoria Glendinning, Victoria Glendinning 'Victoria Seebohm'
    Date: January 23, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Victoria Glendinning, Victoria Glendinning 'Victoria Seebohm' Victoria Glendinning, Victoria Glendinning 'Victoria Seebohm'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Novels of the year wait for judgment (1983-09-25)

    Author: Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay'
    Date: September 25, 1983
    Poets: Swift, Graham 'Graham Colin Swift' Mason, Anita 'Anita Frances Mason' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Fuller, John Bradbury, Malcolm Stanley Rushdie, Salman Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Red island rocks (1985-11-01)

    Author: Sweetman, David
    Date: November 1, 1985
    Poets: Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Sweetman, David Sweetman, David Murphy, Dervla Bathory, Elizabeth
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Tracts for the times: Art, Dialogue and Outrage by Wole Soyinka (1988-12-10)

    Author: St. George, Andrew
    Date: December 10, 1988
    Poets: St. George, Andrew St. George, Andrew Kingsley, Mary Barthes, Roland Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Taking in the view from the dark verandah (1983-09-25)

    Author: Shrimpton, Nicholas
    Date: September 25, 1983
    Poets: Naipaul , Shivadhar Srinivasa 'Shiva Naipaul' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Shrimpton, Nicholas Shrimpton, Nicholas
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Behind the lines (1987-05-15)

    Author: Sage, Lorna
    Date: May 15, 1987
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Al-Unhari, Abdullah Sage, Lorna Sage, Lorna Bastos, Augusto Roa Farah, Nuruddin Emecheta, Buchi Ngcobo, Lauretta Farhi, Musa Moris Lim, Shirley Fassih, Esmail Palijo, Rasul Bakhsh Graham-Yooll, Andrew
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

World writers in Budapest (1989-06-30)

    Author: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Rushdie, Salman Gordimer, Nadine
    Date: June 30, 1989
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Rushdie, Salman Rushdie, Salman Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer, Nadine
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Black man's burden (1981-11-06)

    Author: Niven, Alastair Moore, Gerald Roscoe, Adrian Abraham, Willie 'Kojo' Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna Izevbaye, Dan Nwoga, Donatus Palmer, Eustace Larson, Charles R.
    Date: November 6, 1981
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' P'Bitek, Okot Niven, Alastair Niven, Alastair Ibekwe, Chinweizu Jemie, Onwuchekwa Madubuike, Ihechukwu Cabral, Amílcar Lopes da Costa Fanon, Frantz Omar 'Ibrahim' James, Cyril Lionel Robert 'C. L. R.' Padmore, George Rodney, Walter Equiano, Olaudah 'Gustavus Vassa' Garvey, Marcus Maran, René Williams, Eric Moore, Gerald Moore, Gerald Roscoe, Adrian Roscoe, Adrian Irele, Francis Abiola Armah, Ayi Kwei Abraham, Willie 'Kojo' Abraham, Willie 'Kojo' Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna Anozie, Sunday Ogbonna Izevbaye, Dan Izevbaye, Dan Nwoga, Donatus Nwoga, Donatus Palmer, Eustace Palmer, Eustace Larson, Charles R. Larson, Charles R. wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Literary quiz (1983-10-02)

    Author: Ritchie, Berry
    Date: October 2, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Swift, Graham 'Graham Colin Swift' Mason, Anita 'Anita Frances Mason' Rushdie, Salman Fuller, John Ritchie, Berry Ritchie, Berry
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Focus on the annual war of words (1987-09-27)

    Author: Perrick, Penny
    Date: September 27, 1987
    Poets: Perrick, Penny Perrick, Penny Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Murdoch, Iris 'Jean Iris Murdoch' Bawden, Nina Ackroyd, Peter Moore, Brian Lively, Penelope Margaret 'Penelope Margaret Low'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Too close for comfort (1987-11-15)

    Author: Perrick, Penny
    Date: November 15, 1987
    Poets: Perrick, Penny Perrick, Penny Park, Christine Heaton, Caroline Wandor, Michelene Prager, Emily Atwood, Margaret Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Mehta, Dina Weldon, Fay
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Scorning the sonnet (1983-09-16)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' P'Bitek, Okot Okara, Gabriel Carlin, M. M.
    Date: September 16, 1983
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Okigbo, Christopher Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' P'Bitek, Okot P'Bitek, Okot Okara, Gabriel Okara, Gabriel Brutus, Dennis Vincent Okigbo, Christopher Peters, Lenrie Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Liyong, Taban Lo Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Okara, Gabriel P'Bitek, Okot Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Hopkins, Gerard Manley Pound, Ezra Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' Thomas, Dylan Carlin, M. M. Carlin, M. M. Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

From veld-lovers to freedom fighters (1980-11-21)

    Author: Nkosi, Lewis
    Date: November 21, 1980
    Poets: Butler, Guy Mann, Chris 'Christopher Michael Zithulele' Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Driver, Charles Jonathan 'Jonty' Aylen, Leo Campbell, Roy Plomer, William Prince, Frank Templeton 'F. T.' Eglington, Charles Livingstone, Douglas Clouts, Sydney Adams, Perseus 'Peter Robert Charles' Slater, Francis Carey 'F. C.' Currey, Ralph Nixon 'R. N.' Hamilton, William Robert 'W. R.' Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Mtshali, Oswald Mbuyiseni Serote, Mongane Wally Gwala, Pascal Sepamla, Sydney 'Sydney Sipho Sepamla' Lewin, Hugh Nortje, Arthur Pringle, Thomas Dugmore, Henry Hare 'H. H.' Moodie, Duncan Campbell Francis 'D. C. F.' McKuen, Rod Nkosi, Lewis Nkosi, Lewis Selwyn, W.
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Thousands in riot after Pretoria poet is executed (1985-10-19)

    Author: Moloise, Benjamin
    Date: October 19, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Moloise, Benjamin Kennedy, Ray
    Publisher: The Times

On the edge of the Empire (1980-11-23)

    Author: Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin'
    Date: November 23, 1980
    Poets: Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin' Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

What must a people do? (1987-09-20)

    Author: Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Date: September 20, 1987
    Poets: Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin' Levin, Henry Bernard 'Bernard Levin' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Attempting the pen (1989-09-22)

    Author: Leighton, Angela
    Date: September 22, 1989
    Poets: Leighton, Angela Leighton, Angela Spender, Dale Arkin, Marian Shollar, Barbara Todd, Janet Austen, Jane Brontë, Charlotte Evans, Mary Ann 'George Eliot' Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Behn, Aphra Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann Martineau, Harriet Trollope, Frances Milton 'Franny' Ward, Humphrey Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Rossetti, Christina Smith, Stevie Spark, Muriel Lessing, Doris Weldon, Fay Churchill, Caryl Drabble, Margaret Carter, Angela Finch, Anne Woolf, Virginia Christensen, Inger von Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Dickinson, Emily Levertov, Denise al-Malai'ka, Nazik Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Malé, Belkis Cuza Bennett-Coverley, Louise 'Miss Lou' Munro, Alice ' -Alice Ann Laidlaw ' el-Saadawi, Nawal
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Remainders (1985-08-23)

    Author: Korn, Eric
    Date: August 23, 1985
    Poets: Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Korn, Eric Korn, Eric Katzner, Kenneth Davidson, Andrew Parker, G. W.
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Buchi's brilliant career (1983-11-06)

    Author: Jones, D. A. N
    Date: November 6, 1983
    Poets: Jones, D. A. N Jones, D. A. N
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Where Britannia ruled, she also served (1988-01-31)

    Author: Jenkins, Simon David
    Date: January 31, 1988
    Poets: Jenkins, Simon David Jenkins, Simon David
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Reclaiming the mother tongue (1987-05-08)

    Author: Ibekwe, Chinweizu
    Date: May 8, 1987
    Poets: P'Bitek, Okot Ibekwe, Chinweizu Ibekwe, Chinweizu wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Hopes and resentments (1985-11-29)

    Author: Hoffman, Micheal
    Date: November 29, 1985
    Poets: Couzyn, Jeni Hoffman, Micheal Hoffman, Micheal
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Refusing to learn (1986-12-19)

    Author: Goodwin, Jo-Ann
    Date: December 19, 1986
    Poets: Goodwin, Jo-Ann Goodwin, Jo-Ann Carter, Angela Mansfield, Katherine Bowles, Jane Mansfield, Colette Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Towers, Frances Namjoshi, Suniti
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Paperbacks (1985-02-03)

    Author: French, Sean 'Nicci French'
    Date: February 3, 1985
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' French, Sean 'Nicci French' French, Sean 'Nicci French' Gordimer, Nadine
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times Weekly Guide (1983-12-04)

    Author: French, Sean 'Nicci French'
    Date: December 4, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' French, Sean 'Nicci French' French, Sean 'Nicci French'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Effects of exile (1982-05-14)

    Author: Delius, Anthony 'Ronald St. Martin'
    Date: May 14, 1982
    Poets: Peters, Lenrie Kunene, Mazisi 'Raymond' Senghor, Léopold Sédar Delius, Anthony 'Ronald St. Martin' Delius, Anthony 'Ronald St. Martin'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Catching the continental drift (1984-04-06)

    Author: Craveirinha, José
    Date: April 6, 1984
    Poets: Craveirinha, José Craveirinha, José
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Heart's Mirages (1981-01-23)

    Author: Couzyn, Jeni
    Date: January 23, 1981
    Poets: Couzyn, Jeni Couzyn, Jeni
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Times Literary Supplement (1985-11-29)

    Author: Couzyn, Jeni
    Date: November 29, 1985
    Poets: Couzyn, Jeni Couzyn, Jeni
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Index of Books Reviewed (1985-11-29)

    Author: Couzyn, Jeni
    Date: November 29, 1985
    Poets: Couzyn, Jeni Couzyn, Jeni
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Women Poets (1985-12-13)

    Author: Couzyn, Jeni
    Date: December 13, 1985
    Poets: Couzyn, Jeni Couzyn, Jeni
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

South African Verse (1980-12-12)

    Author: Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Butler, Guy
    Date: December 12, 1980
    Poets: Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Butler, Guy Butler, Guy Bradbrook , Muriel Butler, Guy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Pauline Smith: a quiet voice (1983-09-16)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: September 16, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement


    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: June 10, 1988
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

South Africa's new publishers (1983-09-16)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: September 16, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Index of Books Reviewed (1988-09-23)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Date: September 23, 1988
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Uprooting the malignat fictions (1988-09-23)

    Author: Clayton, Cherry
    Date: September 23, 1988
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Okigbo, Christopher Clayton, Cherry Clayton, Cherry Smith, Pauline Janet van den Heever, C. M. Schreiner, Olive Paton, Alan Tutuola, Amos Baldwin, James
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Briefly (1985-11-01)

    Author: Campbell, Roy
    Date: November 1, 1985
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Excess of wisdom (1980-07-25)

    Author: Campbell, Roy
    Date: July 25, 1980
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The poet in the bull-ring (1982-05-28)

    Author: Campbell, Roy
    Date: May 28, 1982
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The Times Literary Supplement (1980-11-21)

    Author: Butler, Guy
    Date: November 21, 1980
    Poets: Butler, Guy Butler, Guy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Verbs that find themselves prepositioned (1989-06-11)

    Author: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield'
    Date: June 11, 1989
    Poets: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Amis, Kingsley Graves, Robert Conrad, Joseph Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer Wolfe, Tom 'Thomas Kennerly Wolfe Jr.' Carey, Peter Philip 'Peter Carey' Scott, Walter Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Anxiety in academe (1982-10-15)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Date: October 15, 1982
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Between the Acts (1987-08-21)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Date: August 21, 1987
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement