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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Attempting the Pen (1989-09-22)


Book Review


The Times Literary Supplement

Authors (1)

Leighton, Angela


"Attempting the Pen", The Times Literary Supplement, 22 Sep 1989, 1024 The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200458581/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=816cde3b. Accessed 27 Jul 2020


Angela Leighton reviews three anthologies: "Anthology of British Women Writers," "Longman Anthology of World Literature by Women," and "Dictionary of British Women Writers." Excerpt: "Anthologies serve many purposes. They may blaze a trail of new writing, or simply confirm popular tastes of the day. They may change the literary consciousness of an age, or merely look good on the coffee table... A short story by the Ghanaian Ama Ata Aidoo is followed by two poems by the Cuban Cuza Male, and three very funny poems on women and colonialism by the Jamaican Louise Bennett are followed by Doris Lessing's sophisticated satire of male sexism in a short story called 'A Woman on a Roof.' ..."

Related People (36)

  • Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' | Poet
  • Leighton, Angela | Critic
  • Leighton, Angela | Article Author
  • Spender, Dale | Editor
  • Arkin, Marian | Editor
  • Shollar, Barbara | Editor
  • Todd, Janet | Editor
  • Austen, Jane | Writer
  • Brontë, Charlotte | Writer
  • Evans, Mary Ann 'George Eliot' | Writer
  • Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft | Writer
  • Behn, Aphra | Writer
  • Wordsworth, Dorothy Mae Ann | Writer
  • Martineau, Harriet | Writer
  • Trollope, Frances Milton 'Franny' | Writer
  • Ward, Humphrey | Writer
  • Browning, Elizabeth Barrett | Mentioned Poet
  • Rossetti, Christina | Mentioned Poet
  • Smith, Stevie | Mentioned Poet
  • Spark, Muriel | Writer
  • Lessing, Doris | Writer
  • Weldon, Fay | Writer
  • Churchill, Caryl | Writer
  • Drabble, Margaret | Writer
  • Carter, Angela | Writer
  • Finch, Anne | Mentioned Poet
  • Woolf, Virginia | Writer
  • Christensen, Inger | Writer
  • von Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie | Writer
  • Dickinson, Emily | Mentioned Poet
  • Levertov, Denise | Mentioned Poet
  • al-Malai'ka, Nazik | Mentioned Poet
  • Malé, Belkis Cuza | Mentioned Poet
  • Bennett-Coverley, Louise 'Miss Lou' | Mentioned Poet
  • Munro, Alice ' -Alice Ann Laidlaw ' | Writer
  • el-Saadawi, Nawal | Writer

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Repositories (1)

  • The Times Literary Supplement