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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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  • 1990 268
Decade : 1990

268 results

Where authors take the stage (1990-10-28)

    Author: Wiggins, Marianne
    Date: October 28, 1990
    Poets: wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Malouf, David George Joseph 'David Malouf' Byatt, A. S. 'Antonia Susan Duffy Drabble' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' St Aubin de Terán, Lisa Gatenby, Greg Matthiessen, Peter Plimpton, George Ames Gilot, Marie Françoise 'Françoise Gilot' Victoria Glendinning, Victoria Glendinning 'Victoria Seebohm' Ackroyd, Peter Stevenson, Anne Thomas, Donald Michael 'D. M. Thomas' Weldon, Fay MacBeth, George Sweetman, David Wiggins, Marianne Wiggins, Marianne
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The Bishop's move (1997-06-27)

    Author: White, Landeg
    Date: June 27, 1997
    Poets: Wordsworth, William Coleridge, Samuel Taylor White, Landeg White, Landeg Percy, Thomas
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

African Poems of Thomas Pringle (1991-02-22)

    Author: Watson, Stephen
    Date: February 22, 1991
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Pringle, Thomas Watson, Stephen Watson, Stephen
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

A garbled message (1990-05-18)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten Watson, Stephen
    Date: May 18, 1990
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten Campbell, Roy Livingstone, Douglas Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Horn, Peter Rudolf Gisela Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho Mtshali, Oswald Mbuyiseni Watson, Stephen Watson, Stephen Schreiner, Olive
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

NB (1999-03-05)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Walcott, Derek
    Date: March 5, 1999
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Walcott, Derek Walcott, Derek
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Death of a nation (1990-09-16)

    Author: Taylor, David John 'D. J. Taylor'
    Date: September 16, 1990
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Tennyson, Alfred Lloyd Shakespeare, William Kafka, Franz de Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel 'Cervantes ' Taylor, David John 'D. J. Taylor' Taylor, David John 'D. J. Taylor'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Chinua Achebe (1991-09-22)

    Author: T D,
    Date: September 22, 1991
    Poets: T D, T D,
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Take three girls (1992-05-03)

    Author: Suzman, Janet
    Date: May 3, 1992
    Poets: Eliot, Thomas Stearns 'T. S.' McCarthy, Mary Therese 'Mary McCarthy' Woolf, Virginia Evans, Mary Ann 'George Eliot' Suzman, Janet Suzman, Janet
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

This ever brave new world (1994-01-02)

    Author: Smith, Godfrey
    Date: January 2, 1994
    Poets: Smith, Godfrey Smith, Godfrey Huxley, Aldous Leonard 'Aldous Huxley' Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Godfrey Smith (1991-06-09)

    Author: Smith, Godfrey
    Date: June 9, 1991
    Poets: Smith, Godfrey Smith, Godfrey Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Anowa (1991-04-09)

    Author: Rutherford, Malcolm
    Date: April 9, 1991
    Poets: Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Rutherford, Malcolm Rutherford, Malcolm Elias-Rilwan, Joy Harewood, David Charley, Dele
    Publisher: Financial Times

The music of Milan (1996-07-19)

    Author: Robinson, Peter
    Date: July 19, 1996
    Poets: Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph Sereni, Vittorio Fortini, Franco Montale, Eugenio Gozzano, Guido Gustavo Bertolucci, Attilio Isella, Dante Horta, Maria Teresa Robinson, Peter Robinson, Peter Mussolini, Benito Barile, Laura Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo Bonfanti, Giosue Colli, Barbara
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Change from below (1992-03-27)

    Author: Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Omaar, Rakiya
    Date: March 27, 1992
    Poets: Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile P'Bitek, Okot Mapanje, Jack 'John Alfred Clement' Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Hadrawi, Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame Omaar, Rakiya Omaar, Rakiya Themba, Daniel Canodoce 'Can' Matshikiza, Todd Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Sassine, William Mikanza, Nobert Mobyem Toure, Ahmed Sekou
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Senegal's shining beacon (1990-09-14)

    Author: Oliver, Roland
    Date: September 14, 1990
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar Oliver, Roland Oliver, Roland Vaillant, Janet G.
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Ironies of exile (1994-04-01)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten Nkosi, Lewis
    Date: April 1, 1994
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten U Tam'si, Tchicaya Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Marechera, Dambudzo Breytenbach, Breyten Rimbaud, Arthur Nkosi, Lewis Nkosi, Lewis Farah, Nuruddin wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Ain't I a woman (1992-12-11)

    Author: Nixon, Rob Jaggi, Maya
    Date: December 11, 1992
    Poets: Nixon, Rob Nixon, Rob Kromberg, Steve Ogude, James Langa, Mandla Brutus, Dennis Vincent Gunner, Liz Mbete-Kgositsile, Baleka Kgositsile, Keorapetse 'William, \"Bra Willie\"' Rampolokeng, Lesego Plumpp, Sterling Wilderson, Frank Chinodya, Shimmer Gordimer, Nadine Couto, António Emílio Leite 'Mia' McCullin, Don Marechera, Dambudzo Jaggi, Maya Jaggi, Maya Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Busby, Margaret Wilson, Harriet Truth, Sojourner Davis, Angela Jordan, June Morrison, Toni Hurston, Zora Neale Brodber, Erna Bennett-Coverley, Louise 'Miss Lou' Bloom, Valerie Collins, Merle Breeze, Jean 'Binda' Emecheta, Buchi Nwapa, Flora Head, Bessie Dangarembga, Tsitsi Mhlope, Nokugcina Elsie 'Gcina' Djebar, Assia Rifaat, Alifa Bakr, Salwa Hooks, Bell
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

From Slad to Spain and back (1999-11-26)

    Author: Kavanagh, Patrick Joseph 'P. J.'
    Date: November 26, 1999
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Kavanagh, Patrick Joseph 'P. J.' Kavanagh, Patrick Joseph 'P. J.'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Triumph of the old guerrilla network (1997-05-11)

    Author: Kabila, Laurent
    Date: May 11, 1997
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Mobutu, Joseph-Désiré 'Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga' Nyerere, Julius Musevani, Yoweri Kagame, Paul Kabila, Laurent Kabila, Laurent
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Women oust the classics in academe's war of words (1993-08-08)

    Author: Hymas, Charles
    Date: August 8, 1993
    Poets: Hymas, Charles Hymas, Charles
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Different aesthetics (1990-05-18)

    Author: Foden, Giles
    Date: May 18, 1990
    Poets: Laing, Kojo 'Bernard' Senaye, Erasmus Elikplim Forster Mpina, Edison Heaney, Seamus Foden, Giles Foden, Giles Zimunya, Musaemura Bonas Anyidoho, Kofi 'born George Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor-Williams' Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Porter, Peter
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Guide to Twentieth-Century Women Novelists, A (1997-06-27)

    Author: Emck, Katy
    Date: June 27, 1997
    Poets: Wheeler, Kathleen Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Quin, Ann Bowles, Jane Carrington, Leonora Kavan, Anna Young, Marguerite 'Vivian' Hardwick, Elizabeth Emck, Katy Emck, Katy Parker, Dorothy Sontag, Susan Wharton, Edith Stein, Gertrude Woolf, Virginia Head, Bessie Deshpande, Shashi Silko, Leslie Marmon Spark, Muriel Pym, Barbara Gardam, Jane Gellhorn, Martha Cather, Willa Mansfield, Katherine Lawrence, David Herbert 'D. H.' Larkin, Philip Smith, Stevie
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Out of Lusophone Africa (1997-10-17)

    Author: Craveirinha, José
    Date: October 17, 1997
    Poets: Craveirinha, José Craveirinha, José
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

International Books of the Year (1995-12-01)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: December 1, 1995
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

N.B. (1991-04-26)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: April 26, 1991
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Rewriting the myths (1994-04-01)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: April 1, 1994
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Commonwealth literature in Graz (1993-07-23)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: July 23, 1993
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Cambridge University Press (1998-02-27)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: February 27, 1998
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The editor lied (1991-01-18)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: January 18, 1991
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Ohio University Press (1995-12-22)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: December 22, 1995
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

NB (1994-09-16)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: September 16, 1994
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Taking an African safari (1996-06-30)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: June 30, 1996
    Poets: Marechera, Dambudzo Gordimer, Nadine Okri, Ben Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Serote, Mongane Wally Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Africanderisms (1994-04-01)

    Author: Campbell, Roy
    Date: April 1, 1994
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Why aren't all schools ready for Everyman? (1998-07-26)

    Author: Campbell, David
    Date: July 26, 1998
    Poets: Campbell, David Campbell, David
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Belonging down there (1997-09-19)

    Author: Butler, Guy
    Date: September 19, 1997
    Poets: Butler, Guy Butler, Guy
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

After apartheid (1990-05-04)

    Author: Butler, Guy Brink, André Philippus
    Date: May 4, 1990
    Poets: Butler, Guy Butler, Guy Brink, André Philippus Brink, André Philippus
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Words and Meanings (1990-07-08)

    Author: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield'
    Date: July 8, 1990
    Poets: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Malouf, David George Joseph 'David Malouf' Mesthrie, Rajend Caine, Hall 'Thomas Henry Hall Caine' Rubens, Bernice Partridge, Eric 'Eric Honeywood Partridge'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Words and Meanings (1990-06-03)

    Author: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield'
    Date: June 3, 1990
    Poets: Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Burchfield, Robert 'Robert William Burchfield' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Byatt, A. S. 'Antonia Susan Duffy Drabble' Williams , Nigel ' Henry Nigel Williams' Jolley, Elizabeth 'Monica Elizabeth Jolley' Evans, Mary Ann 'George Eliot' Haight, G. S. 'Gordon Sherman Haight' Collins, William Wilkie 'Wilkie Collins' Fitzgerald, Penelope Mary
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Things fall apart (1992-12-11)

    Author: Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Date: December 11, 1992
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Royal Society of Literature (1990-02-09)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: February 9, 1990
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Harvard University Press (1992-10-30)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: October 30, 1992
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Venture to the interior (1990-08-17)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: August 17, 1990
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Lilliput's hour? (1994-04-01)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: April 1, 1994
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

NB (1994-02-25)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: February 25, 1994
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

All the Trouble in the World- Dr. Mairi J Blackings comments a bold exploration of the turmoil in Africa (1996-11-02)

    Author: Blacklings, Mairi J.
    Date: November 2, 1996
    Poets: Blacklings, Mairi J. Blacklings, Mairi J. Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Piecing his father together (1990-03-18)

    Author: Bailey, Paul
    Date: March 18, 1990
    Poets: Bailey, Paul Bailey, Paul Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Who's Reading Whom (1990-10-28)

    Author: Bailey, Paul
    Date: October 28, 1990
    Poets: Ungaretti, Giuseppe Munro, Alice ' -Alice Ann Laidlaw ' Bishop, Morris Gilbert Bailey, Paul Bailey, Paul
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

AFRICA CENTRE (1991-04-12)

    Author: Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina'
    Date: April 12, 1991
    Poets: Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Aidoo, Ama Ata 'Christina' Ekwensi, Cyprian Sow Fall, Aminata Hove, Chenjerai
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Trafika problems in Prague (1995-03-10)

    Author: Agualusa, José Eduardo
    Date: March 10, 1995
    Poets: Agualusa, José Eduardo Agualusa, José Eduardo
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

The greater hero of the Congo (1996-05-24)

    Author: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Date: May 24, 1996
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Walking a step with Soyinka (1997-06-13)

    Author: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Date: June 13, 1997
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement