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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Africa Centre: African Literature, What Shall We Read? (1991-04-12)




The Times Literary Supplement

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"Africa Centre: African Literature, What Shall We Read?", The Times Literary Supplement, 12 Apr 1991, 11 The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200178346/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=31a638d7. Accessed 27 Jul 2020


Full Text of Ad: "African Literature: What Shall We Read? A two day conference at the Commonwealth Institute. Friday 12 - Saturday 13 April 1991. Participants include: Ama Ata Aidoo, Cyprian Ekwensi, Chenjerai Hove, Aminata Slow-Fall. For further details please contact: The Literature Officer, Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, London."

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  • The Times Literary Supplement