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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Search Results

Decade : 1890

6 results

An Almanac of Twelve Sports (1898)

    Author: Kipling, Rudyard
    Year: 1898
    Type: Single Author Full Length
    Publisher: Heinemann

Barrack-Room Ballads (1890)

    Author: Kipling, Rudyard
    Year: 1890
    Type: Single Author Selected Works
    Publisher: Heinemann and Balestier

A Handful of Heather (1893)

    Author: Murray, Charles
    Year: 1893
    Type: Single Author Selected Works
    Publisher: Independently-Published

Heart of Darkness (1899)

    Year: 1899
    Type: Single Author Full Length
    Publisher: Blackwoods Magazine

The Political Struwwelpeter (1899)

    Year: 1899
    Type: Single Author Full Length
    Publisher: G. Richards

The Seven Seas (1896)

    Author: Kipling, Rudyard
    Year: 1896
    Type: Single Author Selected Works
    Publisher: Methuen Publishing Ltd