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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Search Results

Decade : 1940

12 results

Voice Of England (1941-02-07)

    Date: February 7, 1941
    Poets: Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times

Back to the Eighteenth Century (1944-01-23)

    Author: MacCarthy, Desmond
    Date: January 23, 1944
    Poets: MacCarthy, Desmond MacCarthy, Desmond Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Soldier-Poets and Others (1945-06-24)

    Date: June 24, 1945
    Poets: Currey, Ralph Nixon 'R. N.' Wright, David
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

A Tragic Poet (1946-06-09)

    Author: MacCarthy, Desmond Campbell, Roy
    Date: June 9, 1946
    Poets: MacNab, Roy MacCarthy, Desmond MacCarthy, Desmond Campbell, Roy Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Books of the Week (1946-08-04)

    Date: August 4, 1946
    Poets: Currey, Ralph Nixon 'R. N.'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

France and her Empire (1947-05-11)

    Date: May 11, 1947
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar Frank MacDermot, Frank MacDermot
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

A Poet of South Africa (1947-05-31)

    Date: May 31, 1947
    Poets: Slater, Francis Carey 'F. C.' Pringle, Thomas Scott, Walter Arnold, Matthew Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood 'R. C. K.'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

'Bound with Garlands' (1947-07-27)

    Date: July 27, 1947
    Poets: Morgan, Charles Langbridge Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

South African Poet (1947-10-19)

    Date: October 19, 1947
    Poets: Slater, Francis Carey 'F. C.' Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood 'R. C. K.'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Dominion Poets (1949-04-30)

    Author: Wilmot, E.
    Date: April 30, 1949
    Poets: Wilmot, E. Wilmot, E.
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Longmans (1949-06-17)

    Date: June 17, 1949
    Poets: Slater, Francis Carey 'F. C.'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Voices from South Africa (1949-07-01)

    Author: Whistler, Laurence
    Date: July 1, 1949
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Butler, Guy Currey, Ralph Nixon 'R. N.' Prince, Frank Templeton 'F. T.' Madge, Charles Henry Plomer, William Whistler, Laurence Whistler, Laurence
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement