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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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Tags : prize

46 results

William Foyle Poetry Prize Award (1952-01-18)

    Date: January 18, 1952
    Poets: Campbell, Roy
    Publisher: The Times

Annual Literary Prize Of £1,000 (1959-01-09)

    Date: January 9, 1959
    Poets: Plomer, William
    Publisher: The Times

Charges of Forming Illegal W. Nigeria Government: Police Seek Poet (1965-10-18)

    Date: October 18, 1965
    Poets: Olowofoyeku, Babatunji Fani-Kayode, Remi Akran, Claude Adeyi, Adebiyi Akintola, Samuel Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Season of African Plays (1966-06-17)

    Date: June 17, 1966
    Poets: White, Michael Fugard, Athol Mokae, Zakes Makgona Euba, Femi N'wanzoke, Rosetta Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Arts Council Awards for Two Playwrights (1967-06-30)

    Date: June 30, 1967
    Poets: Stoppard, Tom Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Two Playwrights Win 500 (pounds) (1967-07-03)

    Date: July 3, 1967
    Poets: Stoppard, Tom Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Keats poetry prize winners (1972-03-25)

    Date: March 25, 1972
    Poets: Adams, Perseus 'Peter Robert Charles'
    Publisher: The Times

University news (1973-10-27)

    Date: October 27, 1973
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar Macmillan, Harold Mackenzie, S. P. M.
    Publisher: The Times

Jailed poet wins South African literary award (1977-03-03)

    Date: March 3, 1977
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times

Tut, tut, these literati (1980-12-07)

    Date: December 7, 1980
    Poets: Marechera, Dambudzo
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Scenes from an unhappy life (1982-01-24)

    Date: January 24, 1982
    Poets: Marechera, Dambudzo Pile, Stephen
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The magical historical shortlist (1983-09-25)

    Date: September 25, 1983
    Poets: Mason, Anita 'Anita Frances Mason' Rushdie, Salman Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Bradbury, Malcolm Stanley Fuller, John Swift, Graham 'Graham Colin Swift'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Novels of the year wait for judgment (1983-09-25)

    Author: Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay'
    Date: September 25, 1983
    Poets: Swift, Graham 'Graham Colin Swift' Mason, Anita 'Anita Frances Mason' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Fuller, John Bradbury, Malcolm Stanley Rushdie, Salman Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Ryle, John 'John Rowland Ryle' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Literary quiz (1983-10-02)

    Author: Ritchie, Berry
    Date: October 2, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Swift, Graham 'Graham Colin Swift' Mason, Anita 'Anita Frances Mason' Rushdie, Salman Fuller, John Ritchie, Berry Ritchie, Berry
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

South African wins Booker prize (1983-10-27)

    Date: October 27, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Howard, Philip Weldon, Fay Carter, Angela Kilmartin, Terence Porter, Peter Purves, Libby
    Publisher: The Times

Paperbacks (1983-10-30)

    Date: October 30, 1983
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Tomalin, Claire 'Claire Delavenay'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Nigerian wins Nobel literature prize (1986-10-17)

    Date: October 17, 1986
    Poets: Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times

Awards and Prizes in 1986 (1986-12-27)

    Date: December 27, 1986
    Poets: Amis, Kingsley Host, Michel Duras, Marguerite Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Focus on the annual war of words (1987-09-27)

    Author: Perrick, Penny
    Date: September 27, 1987
    Poets: Perrick, Penny Perrick, Penny Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Murdoch, Iris 'Jean Iris Murdoch' Bawden, Nina Ackroyd, Peter Moore, Brian Lively, Penelope Margaret 'Penelope Margaret Low'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The Booker shortlist all signed-up (1987-10-04)

    Date: October 4, 1987
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

And the butler didn't do it (1987-11-01)

    Author: Bakewell, Joan
    Date: November 1, 1987
    Poets: Bakewell, Joan Bakewell, Joan
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Who won what in 1987 (1987-11-29)

    Date: November 29, 1987
    Poets: Okri, Ben Saro-Wiwa, Ken Atwood, Margaret
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Dillons the Book Store (1989-05-14)

    Date: May 14, 1989
    Poets: Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Nigeria's free spirit wins the Booker prize (1991-10-23)

    Date: October 23, 1991
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Times

An author m search of humility (1991-10-25)

    Date: October 25, 1991
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Times

How a publishing giant was brought to book (1991-10-27)

    Date: October 27, 1991
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

You scratch my hardback. . . (1991-10-27)

    Date: October 27, 1991
    Poets: Okri, Ben Fielding, Helen
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Major column inches ahead (1992-01-05)

    Date: January 5, 1992
    Poets: Lees, Caroline Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

DarK-horse choices hint at new Booker controversy (1992-09-10)

    Date: September 10, 1992
    Poets: Hope, Christopher
    Publisher: The Times

Between the covers of the Booker Prize (1992-10-13)

    Date: October 13, 1992
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Times

On the Critical List Harvey Porlock on crack and political incorrectness (1993-12-05)

    Date: December 5, 1993
    Poets: Porlock, Harvey Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Diary (1995-03-19)

    Date: March 19, 1995
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Diary (1996-11-17)

    Date: November 17, 1996
    Poets: Okri, Ben Rushdie, Salman
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Local election test for Nigerian regime (1997-03-14)

    Date: March 14, 1997
    Poets: Saro-Wiwa, Ken Goldman, Antony Ige, Bola Abacha, Sani Adesanya, Abraham Aderibigbe Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Booker author says dome must connect 'all our faiths' (1998-01-07)

    Date: January 7, 1998
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Times

Diary (1999-07-04)

    Date: July 4, 1999
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Duke errant (1999-10-24)

    Date: October 24, 1999
    Poets: Okri, Ben Roy, Arundhati Rushdie, Salman Naipaul , Shivadhar Srinivasa 'Shiva Naipaul' Brooks, Richard
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Playwright in Search of a Role (2003-06-10)

    Date: June 10, 2003
    Poets: White, David Abacha, Sani Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

African Adventurer: The life of a Nigerian maverick makes for a challenging read (2006-05-06)

    Date: May 6, 2006
    Poets: Spender, Stephen Auden, Wystan Hugh 'W. H.' White, David Abacha, Sani Obasanjo, Olusegun Mandela, Nelson Gorbachev, Mikhail Johnson, Femi Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

African literature's hero honoured (2007-06-13)

    Date: June 13, 2007
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times

Friday 17 October (2008-10-12)

    Date: October 12, 2008
    Poets: Okri, Ben
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Nigeria protests grow as president clings to power (2010-01-13)

    Date: January 13, 2010
    Poets: Burgis, Tom Yar'Adua, Umaru Musa Jonathan, Goodluck Okechuku, Guy Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

A life in pictures: Wole Soyinka (2010-01-23)

    Date: January 23, 2010
    Poets: West, Cornel Ronald Yar'Adua, Umaru Musa Gates, Henry Louis Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

How is it that things haven't fallen apart (2010-09-30)

    Date: September 30, 2010
    Poets: Ngalabak, Helon Habila Babangida, Ibrahim Obasanjo, Olusegun Gaddafi, Muammer Fashola, Babatunde Raji Ribadu, Nuhu Jonathan, Goodluck Yar'Adua, Umaru Musa Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: Financial Times

Pippa's Party Book Deal (2011-10-30)

    Date: October 30, 2011
    Poets: Okri, Ben Mansey, Kate
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

NB: Lucky fourteen (2013-05-31)

    Author: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Date: May 31, 2013
    Poets: Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement