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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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Tags : murder

34 results

We're sorry, say Russians (1961-03-02)

    Date: March 2, 1961
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery

Lumumba Stamp (1961-05-31)

    Date: May 31, 1961
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery

Sportsman and Poet (1963-09-19)

    Date: September 19, 1963
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent
    Publisher: The Times

The Sick Mind of China (1965-10-31)

    Date: October 31, 1965
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Trevor-Roper, Hugh
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The most hated African in Africa (1967-07-23)

    Date: July 23, 1967
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Bugler, Jeremy Tshombe, Moïse Kapenda
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Eng. Lit. Expands (1969-12-04)

    Author: Jeffares, Norman
    Date: December 4, 1969
    Poets: Okigbo, Christopher Achebe, Chinua 'Albert Chinualumogu' Clark, John Pepper 'J. P.' Dathrone, Oscar Ronald 'O. R.' Brathwaite, Edward Kamau Yeats, William Butler 'W. B.' Jeffares, Norman Jeffares, Norman Moore, Gerald Lamming, George Abrahams, Peter Williams, Denis wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James' Harris, Theodore Wilson Naipaul, V. S. Awoonor-Williams, George Kofi Nyidevu 'Kofi Awoonor' Soyinka , Wole 'Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Fatal Journey to Marseilles (1974-01-06)

    Date: January 6, 1974
    Poets: Senghor, Léopold Sédar de Gaulle, André Joseph Marie de Gaulle 'Charles de Gaulle'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Indomitable spirit (1975-04-27)

    Date: April 27, 1975
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Pullar, Philippa
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Rocky ducks questions on Cia role in death plans (1975-06-08)

    Date: June 8, 1975
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Brandon, Henry
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Provocative view of Hammarskjold (1976-07-18)

    Date: July 18, 1976
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Tshombe, Moïse Kapenda Wallace, Marjorie
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Zaire: now the big showdown (1977-04-17)

    Date: April 17, 1977
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Kellner, Peter
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Africa 1: CIA lets the Cubans in (1978-05-28)

    Date: May 28, 1978
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The Week Ahead (1985-06-30)

    Date: June 30, 1985
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Barber, Frank
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Black poet reprieved (1985-08-21)

    Date: August 21, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin
    Publisher: Financial Times

Black poet will hang on Friday after Botha rules out retrial (1985-10-16)

    Date: October 16, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Hornsby, Michael Botha, Pieter Willem Reed, David Cockeran, Martin Mope, Moses van Zul Slabbert, Frederik
    Publisher: The Times

Black poet defiant in face of death (1985-10-18)

    Date: October 18, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Kennedy, Ray Botha, Pieter Willem Tambo, Oliver
    Publisher: The Times

Repressing the Rebels (1985-10-20)

    Date: October 20, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Botha, Pieter Willem Marsden, Eric
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Crafty Words, Bloody Deeds (1985-10-20)

    Date: October 20, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Ellsworth-Jones, Will
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Police hold 280 after apartheid sit-down (1985-10-20)

    Date: October 20, 1985
    Poets: Moloise, Benjamin Marsden, Eric Chittenden, Maurice
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The clouds of official unknowing (1987-11-01)

    Date: November 1, 1987
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery O'Brien, Conor Cruise
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Points (1987-11-15)

    Date: November 15, 1987
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Coming in from the cold (1993-09-12)

    Date: September 12, 1993
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Kaufman, Gerald
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

To hell with Abacha and his tinpot dictatorship (1995-11-12)

    Date: November 12, 1995
    Poets: Saro-Wiwa, Ken Kogbara, Donu
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Shell (1995-11-19)

    Date: November 19, 1995
    Poets: Saro-Wiwa, Ken
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Relative Values (1996-03-24)

    Date: March 24, 1996
    Poets: Saro-Wiwa, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Maria
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Human vultures move into rotten heart of Zaire (1997-03-30)

    Date: March 30, 1997
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Killing Castro (1997-11-16)

    Date: November 16, 1997
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Hersh, Seymour Castro, Fidel
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Little Women in Africa (1999-02-28)

    Date: February 28, 1999
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Perrick, Penny
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

BBC1 (2001-07-08)

    Date: July 8, 2001
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Land of Sorrows (2002-07-07)

    Date: July 7, 2002
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Not playing the game (2003-02-09)

    Date: February 9, 2003
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Mobutu, Joseph-Désiré 'Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga' Kerr, Philip
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

A Legend in the Making (2003-10-05)

    Date: October 5, 2003
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The daddy of them all (2004-01-04)

    Date: January 4, 2004
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Horowitz, Michael Armstrong, Louis
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Also Showing (2009-07-12)

    Date: July 12, 2009
    Poets: Lumumba, Patrice Hemery Edwardes, Jane Szalwinska, Maxie
    Publisher: The Sunday Times