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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

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Tags : censorship

10 results

Triumph of a one-man truth commission (2003-10-05)

    Date: October 5, 2003
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Mbeki , Thabo Mvuyelwa 'Thabo Mbeki ' Carey, Peter Philip 'Peter Carey'
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

Speaking of the loss of voice (1984-06-29)

    Author: Breytenbach, Breyten
    Date: June 29, 1984
    Poets: Breytenbach, Breyten Breytenbach, Breyten
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Not undesirable (2000-05-19)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: May 19, 2000
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

'Gory' Gatsby Is Too Violent for US Students (2014-04-27)

    Author: Allen-Mills, Tony
    Date: April 27, 2014
    Poets: Allen-Mills, Tony Allen-Mills, Tony
    Publisher: The Sunday Times

The Dead Hand Again (1964-07-30)

    Author: Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack'
    Date: July 30, 1964
    Poets: Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Change from below (1992-03-27)

    Author: Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Omaar, Rakiya
    Date: March 27, 1992
    Poets: Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile P'Bitek, Okot Mapanje, Jack 'John Alfred Clement' Chipasula, Frank Mkalawile Hadrawi, Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame Omaar, Rakiya Omaar, Rakiya Themba, Daniel Canodoce 'Can' Matshikiza, Todd Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Sassine, William Mikanza, Nobert Mobyem Toure, Ahmed Sekou
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Catalogue of the ridiculous (1975-07-02)

    Date: July 2, 1975
    Poets: Brutus, Dennis Vincent Cope, Robert Knox 'Jack' Driver, Charles Jonathan 'Jonty' Hughes, Langston Gordimer, Nadine Chesser, Eustace Nkosi, Lewis Mphahlele, Ezekiel 'Es'kia' Jacobson, Dan Benson, Mary Brink, André Philippus Amis, Kingsley Nabokov, Vladimir Malamud, Bernard Mailer, Norman O'Hara, John Masters, John Baldwin, James O'Brien, Edna Updike, John Rhapael, Frederic Heller, Joseph Warren, Robert Penn Vidal, Gore Suyin, Han Purdy, James Burroughs, William Jong, Erica Lessing, Doris Theroux, Paul Capote, Truman Garcia Sillitoe, Allan Lewis, Harry Sinclair Styron, William Lurie, Alison Roth, Phillip Lind, Jakov Donleavy, J. P. Vonnegut, Kurt Kerouac, Jack Kessel, Joseph Sartre, Jean-Paul Gary, Romain Moravia, Alberto Fuentes, Carlos Peyrefitte, Roger Genet, Jean Mallet-Joris, Françoise Tanizaki, Jun'ichirō Robbe-Grillet, Alain Kazantzakis, Nikos Cocteau, Jean Jarry, Alfred Pratolini, Vasco Mayakovsky, Vladimir Duras, Marguerite de Maupassant, Henri René Albert Guy Louÿs, Pierre Marcuse, Herbert Allende, Salvador Lewis Reich, Wilhelm Althusser, Louis Kolakowski, Lezek Murdoch, Iris 'Jean Iris Murdoch' Lukacs, Goerg
    Publisher: The Times

Artistic freedom in China (2013-05-03)

    Author: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Date: May 3, 2013
    Poets: Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. ' Coetzee, John Maxwell ' -J. M. '
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement

Ancient And Modern In English Verse (1956-07-19)

    Date: July 19, 1956
    Poets: Campbell, Roy Plomer, William
    Publisher: The Times

Among the Magazines: Index (1980-06-06)

    Date: June 6, 1980
    Poets: Ntuli, Pitika Ogunde, Hubert Horn, Andrew Herbstein, Denis Dogbé, Yves-Emmanuel wa Thiong'o, Ngugi 'James'
    Publisher: The Times Literary Supplement