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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Father and son (1973-08-31)


Book Review


The Times Literary Supplement

Authors (1)

Moore, C.


"Father and son", The Times Literary Supplement, 31 Aug 1973, 993 The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive,, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/EX1200391803/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=29d81870. Accessed 27 Jul 2020


Excerpt: "The appearance of this novel comes as a surprise in two ways. First, it is interesting that Ndabaningi Sithole, whose reputation was first made by his polemical book on African Nationalism, should have turned to imaginative writing during his long years of imprisonment by the Smith regime... In recent African writing the struggle between different cultural values is often internalized. It rages within the mind of the hero, sometimes paralysing his will to action, instead of being projected into a simple contest between generations or between city and village. Representative of this more complex formulation are such novels of the past decade as Ayi Kwei Armah's Fragments, Wole Soyinka's The Interpreter, Kofi Awoonor's This Earth, My Brother, or Leonard Kibera's Voices in the Dark..."

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  • The Times Literary Supplement