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A Survey of African Poetry in the London Times, Sunday Times, Financial Times, the Times Literary Supplement 1865-1985

Mr Okot p'bitek: Poet and commentator on African culture (1982-07-23)




The Times

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"Mr Okot p'bitek: Poet and commentator on African culture", The Times, 23 Jul 1982, p. 12 The Times Digital Archive, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CS203786999/GDCS?u=linc74325&sid=GDCS&xid=177bc5be. Accessed 17 Dec 2019


[Excerpt, Obituary] "Mr Okot p'Bitek, Uganda's best known poet and a trenchant commentator upon contemporary culture in Africa, died on July 19. He was born in 1931 at Gulu in Acholiland Uganda, the son of a teacher...As a result his first major English language work, Song of Lawino (1966) blended modern satirical ironies into a verse form approximating to traditional Acholi poetry, a technique achieved by the author translating his own work into English from its vernacular. The related Song of Ocol, followed in 1970, with Song of Prisoner and Song of Malaya jointly winning the 1972 Kenyatta Prize for Literature. Okot's commitment to Acholi poetry and music is partly explained in the Horn of My Love (1974), a miscellany of poems in two languages with accompanying commentary..."

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  • The Times