Bushra Elfadil is a writer and former lecturer from Sudan. He holds a PhD in Russian language and literature and served as a lecturer at Khartoum University. Elfadil has published several short story collections. In 2012, he won the Tayeb Salih Prize for his story “Above the Bandar Sky." He is the winner of the 2017 Caine Prize for African Writing for his short story entitled “The Story of the Girl Whose Birds Flew Away,” translated by Max Shmookkler. Elfadil currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
Arabic, Russian and English
Elfadil, Bushra. "An Interview with Bushra al-Fadil - Caine Prize Shortlist." _Wasafiri_, 21 June 2017, Accessed 10 July 2024.
"Bushra al-Fadil." Comma Press, 2016, www.commapress.co.uk/authors/bushra-al-fadil/. Accessed 23 April 2024.
"Bushra Elfadil." Lannan Center for Poetics and Social Practice, Georgetown University, 27 February 2018, www.lannan.georgetown.edu/bushra-elfadil/. Accessed 23 April 2024.
"Bushra Elfadil." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 August 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushra_Elfadil. Accessed 14 October 2024.
"In a Sudan Where Literature is Often Smuggled, the Short Story is a Perfect Form." Lit Hub, 27 September 2019, www.lithub.com/in-a-sudan-where-literature-is-often-smuggled-the-short-story-is-a-perfect-form/. Accessed 10 July 2024.
"Previous Winners." The Caine Prize for African Writing, 2019, www.caineprize.com/previous-winners/. Accessed 23 April 2024.
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