K. Eltinaé is a Sudanese writer of Nubian and Mediterranean descent. His work has appeared in World Literature Today, The African American Review, and About Place Journal. His poetry collection,The Moral Judgement of Butterflies won the International Beverly Prize in 2019. The judge, Todd Swift, described Eltinaé's work as "nearly faultless in its imaginative reach, creative flair, and astonishing versatility." The collection was also shortlisted for the Brunel Prize in 2019. Ancient Nubian tradition inspires his writings, and he engages with themes of otherness, cultural/geographic displacement, generational trauma, and exile. Eltinaé studied English literature at the University of Khartoum and also holds a master's degree in European literary cultures. He currently resides in Andalusia, Spain.
Arabic and English
Eltinaé, K. "heirloom," "forget," and "zemiru ዘምሩ" _World Literature Today,_ 2018.
Eltinaé, K. "plans." _Poetry International,_ 2019.
Eltinaé, K. "balcony/letters that drag." _sawti_, 2020.
Eltinaé, K. _The Moral Judgement of Butterflies._ Eyewear Publishing, 2022.
K. Eltinaé. Interview by MZAB. _MZAB_, 31 January 2023, . Accessed 10 July 2024.
K. Eltinaé. Interview by Nkateko Masinga. _Africa in Dialogue_, 22 May 2019, . Accessed 10 July 2024.
Eltinaé, K. The Moral Judgement of Butterflies. Google Books, https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Moral_Judgement_of_Butterflies.html?id=-TuLzgEACAAJ. Accessed 21 April 2024.
"K. Eltinaé." Poetry International, www.poetryinternationalonline.com/poet/10811/. Accessed 21 April 2024.
"K. Eltinaé." World Literature Today, www.worldliteraturetoday.org/author/k-eltinae. Accessed 21 April 2024.
"K. Eltinaé." K. Eltinaé, kalaelae.wordpress.com/. Accessed 21 April 2024.
"Our Winner - The 2019 International Beverly Prize for Literature." The Black Spring Press Book, www.blackspringpressgroup.com/blogs/news/the-2019-international-beverly-prize-for-literature-our-winner. Accessed 10 July 2024.
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