Ahlam Mosteghanemi was born in Tunis, Tunisia in 1953. She is the first Algerian woman to publish poetry and fiction in Arabic and one of the most famous contemporary authors in the Arab world. Mosteghanemi has published two poetry collections: Ala Marf' al-Ayyam (To the Day's Haven) in 1973 and Al Kitaba fi Lahdat Ouray (The Writing in a Moment of Nudity) in 1976. She received her bachelor's in Arabic literature from the University of Algiers in 1973. However, when she attempted to pursue a master's at the same university, she was denied and returned to France for her education. Mosteghanemi completed her doctorate in sociology at Sorbonne University in 1982. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature in 1998 and the Algerian Medal of Honor in 2006. In 2016, she was appointed the UNESCO Artist for Peace. She currently lives in Beirut, Lebanon, with her family.
French, English and Arabic
University of Algiers, Sorbonne Université
Mosteghanemi, Ahlam. "سفينتي" (My Ship). _Poem Hunter_, 9 Oct. 2013, www.poemhunter.com/poem/-2408/. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Mosteghanemi, Ahlam. "شفتان على شفا قبله" (Lips on the Verge of a Kiss). _Al-Diwan_, https://www.aldiwan.net/poem11552.html. Accessed 19 June 2024
Mosteghanemi, Ahlam. "كلمات.. قطف سيفك بهجتها" (Words... Picking your sword is a joy). _Al-Diwan_, https://www.aldiwan.net/poem11551.html. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Mosteghanemi, Ahlam. "أن أكون في كلِّ التراويح.. روحَك" (To be in all Tarawih...Your Soul). _Al-Diwan, _https://www.aldiwan.net/poem11550.html. Accessed 19 June 2024.
Mosteghanemi, Ahlam. _Alá marfa' al-ayyām (On the Harbour of Time)_. SNED, 1972.
Mosteghanemi, _Ahlam. Kitaba fi Lahzat 'Uriyy (Writing at a moment of nudity)_. Dar Al-Adab, 1976.
Mosteghanemi, _Ahlam. عليك اللهفة (You are Eager)_. Hachette Antoine, 2014.
“About - in English.” Ahlam Mosteghanemi Official Website, www.ahlammosteghanemi.com/about-english. Accessed 9 February 2024.
“Ahlam Mosteghanemi.” VIAF, viaf.org/viaf/119088257/#Mosteghanemi,_Ahlem,_1953-. Accessed 9 February 2024.
“Ahlam Mosteghanemi.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 October 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahlam_Mosteghanemi. Accessed 11 November 2024.
"Ahlam Mosteghanemi." Arab World Books, www.arabworldbooks.com/en/authors/ahlam-mosteghanemi. Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.
Davies, Steve. “The Dust of Promises, by Ahlam Mosteghanemi - Book Review.” The Independent, 18 January 2016, www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/the-dust-of-promises-by-ahlam-mosteghanemi-book-review-allegories-of-erotic-love-and-acts-of-political-resistance-a6819926.html. Accessed 9 February 2024.
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