Khal Torabully was born in 1956 in Mauritius. He earned a master's degree in comparative literature from Université Lumière Lyon 2. He is known for Cale d'etoiles: Coolitude, in which he coined the term "coolitude," derived from the word "coolie," used derogatorily to refer to indentured workers brought to islands following the abolition of the slave trade. In the book, he argues for descendants of formerly enslaved people and the indentured to relate together and forge a cultural interplay. He was awarded the Prix Jean Fanchette in 1993. He is also the author of twenty poetry collections, essays, articles, and several films.
Lumière University Lyon 2
"Khal Torabully: The Father of Coolitude (Mauritius)." Potomitan, Accessed 14 July 2022.
"Khal Torabully." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 December 2022, Accessed 16 November 2024.
Torabully, Khal. "Poetry by Khal Torabully." InTranslation, September 2017, Accessed 14 July 2022.
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