Girgis Shoukry was born in Sohag, Egypt. He studied business but eventually started a career in art criticism. He worked as a drama critic for Radio and Television magazine in Cairo and a co-editor of the Aswaat Adabiyya (Literary Voices) series. In 1996, he published his first collection of poems, Fallen under my Soles. Subsequent collections included A Good Person in Conversation with Himself and The Importance of a Dog in a Play. His work explores the church, death, and the clash between childhood innocence and the adult world with its attendant rituals and biblical stories.
"Girgis Shoukry." Poetry International Festival. Accessed 11 August 2022. <>. "Girgis Shukry." Banipal Magazine of Modern Arab Literature. Accessed 11 August 2022. <>.
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