Mohamed Metwalli was born in 1970 in Cairo, Egypt. He is most well known for his collections Once Upon a Time, which won the Yussef el-Khal prize awarded by Riadh el-Rayyes Books in Lebanon, and his recent collection A Song by the Aegean Sea, published in 2015. His work examines Turkey's Aegean coast. Metwalli earned his bachelor's in English Literature from the University of Cairo. He represented Egypt in the International Writers' Program at the University of Iowa in 1997 and, in 1998, served as the Poet-in-Residence at the University of Chicago. He lives in Cairo.
Arabic, English
Cairo University
Once upon a Time (Riyad el-Rayes Publishers, Lebanon, 1992); The Story the People Tell in the Harbor (el-Garad Literary Magazine, 1998); Angry Voices: An Anthology of the Off-beat New Egyptian Poets (University of Arkansas Press, Arkansas, 2002); The Lost Promenades, el-Ketaba al-Okhra Publications (2010; republished by General Egyptian Book Organization (GEBO) in 2013, Cairo); A Song by the Aegean Sea (Afaq Publishers, Cairo, 2015)
"Mohamed Metwalli." Anmly, Accessed 26 Nov. 2024.
Metwalli, Mohamed. “Mohamed Metwalli.” Banipal, Accessed 12 June 2022.
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