Makuzayi Massaki was born in 1950 in Angola. He is the author of the French-language books Le Conflit Angolais and Chants Polyphoniques Des Pogroms de Luanda. His father was a journalist and founder of the early nationalist party, PDA. Massaki went into exile to Kinshasa, Congo, in the late sixties. He spent several years teaching Angolan refugee children before returning to Angola, where he joined the military wing of FNLA, a political party. He died in 2003 in France.
Moore, Gerald, editor. The Penguin Book of Modern African Poetry. Penguin Books, 1998.
“Poet of the Week from Zaire (DRC)/Angola: Makuzayi Massaki.” For (Un)official Use Only, 15 March 2011, Accessed 28 June 2022.
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