Nick Makoha was born in 1974 in Busia, Uganda. He is the author of Resurrection Man, winner of the 2016 Toi Derricotte + Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize. A novelist and poet, he explores a range of subjects in his work, including exile, displacement, civil war, and the impact of imperialism and neocolonialism. He went to Queen Mary University of London for his bachelor’s in biochemistry (1996). He also earned his master’s in creative writing from Goldsmith, University of London and his doctorate in creative writing from King's College, London. He is a Cave Canem Graduate Fellow and co-winner of the 2015 Brunel International African Poetry Prize. Makoha is the founder of The Obsidian Foundation and a member of Malika's Poetry Kitchen collective.
English and Swahili
Queen Mary University of London, Goldsmith College, King's College London
Lost Collection of Invisible Man (flipped eye, London, United Kingdom, 2015); Resurrection Man (Jai-Alai Books, Miami, FL, 2017); Kingdom of Gravity (Leeds : Peepal Tree, 2017); The Dark (Oberon Books, London, United Kingdom, 2019)
“Brunel International African Poetry Prize Shortlists: A Dialogue with Nick Makoha.” Africa in Dialogue, 25 May 2017, Accessed 17 May 2022.
“In Conversation with Nick Makoha.” Forward Arts Foundation, 1 July 2017, Accessed 16 November 2024.
“Nick Makoha: Bio.” Nick Makoha, Accessed 17 May 2022.
“The Team.” Obsidian Foundation, Accessed 17 May 2022.
Created by the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities with funding from the Ford Foundation and the Mellon Foundation.