Alain Lawo-Sukam was born in 1973 in Bangwa, Cameroon. A scholar and creative writer, he is the author of the trilingual poetry book Sueño con África/ Dream of Africa/ Rêve d'Afrique (2013). His work examines African experiences in the Hispanic Atlantic world. In 2005, he earned a PhD in Spanish from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He also received his BSc and MA from the University of Yaoundé I in 1995 and 1997, respectively. Lawo-Sukam is an Associate Professor of Hispanic and Africana Studies and the Coordinator of the Africana Studies program at Texas A&M University.
French, English, Spanish
University of Yaoundé, University of Yaoundé, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Sueño con África/ Dream of Africa/ Rêve d'Afrique (Buenos Aires : Viajera Editorial, 2013)
"Alain Lawo-Sukam." Global Languages & Cultures, Texas A&M University, 2024, Accessed 16 Nov. 2024.
“Biography.” Alain Lawo Sukam - Editorial Board, Scientific Research Publishing, Accessed 15 May 2022.
Little, Andrew. “Bringing the World to Aggieland's Classrooms.” The Battalion, 2 November 2017, Accessed 15 May 2022.
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