Maina wa Kinyatti was born in 1944 in Kenya. He is most well known for his collections Thunder from the Mountains: Poems and Songs from the Mau Mau and A Season of Blood: Poems from Kenyan Prisons. He went to Farmington University for his undergrad. He also received a masters in History at the University of Michigan. In 1982, he was arrested during the Moi administration for possessing seditious literature and was imprisoned for six years. He subsequently fled to Tanzania before receiving asylum from the United States. He is the recipient of several awards, including PEN Freedom to Write Award.
Farmington College, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Thunder from the Mountains: Poems and Songs from the Mau Mau (Africa World Press, New Jersey, 1990);
A Season of Blood: Poems from Kenyan prisons (Mau Mau Research Centre, 1995)
Wikipedia Contributors. "Maina Wa Kinyatti." Wikipedia. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. 8 February 2022. "Maina wa Kinyatti." PEN America: The Freedom to Write. Accessed on May 10, 2022. "Kenya Maina wa Kinyatti. Index on Censorship." Taylor and Francis Online. 12:4,1983, DOI: 10.1080/03064228308533571
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