Kavevangua Kahengua was born in Botswana and moved to Namibia in 1993. He is currently a special collections senior librarian at the University of Namibia. In addition to working as a librarian and a scholar, Kahengua is also the author of two collections of poetry, Dreams and Invoking Voices. He also serves as a volunteer African language expert in the Herero language for librarians cataloging materials in African languages.
University of Botswana
Kahengua, Kavevangua. "Kavevangua Kahengua." LinkedIn, www.linkedin.com/in/kavevangua-kahengua-14a28119/. Accessed 5 August 2022.
"The Quotable Librarian | Poetry Excerpts from 10 Poet-Librarians." Reel Librarians, 28 April 2021, www.reel-librarians.com/category/quotes/. Accessed 5 August 2022.
"Kavevangua Kahengua, Namibia: Dreams." Dead Poets, 30 Oct. 2009, https://deadpoets.typepad.com/leaves_of_bark/2009/10/kavevangua-kahengua-namibia-dreams.html. Accessed 5 August 2022.
"POETRY AT FNCC ON TUESDAY." New Era Live, 20 Oct. 2006, https://neweralive.na/poetry-at-fncc-on-tuesday/. Accessed 25 Nov. 2024.
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