Alan Finlay is a writer, researcher, and editor from Johannesburg. He is the author of poetry collections which include Burning Aloes (Dye Hard Press, 1994), No Free Sleeping with Donald Parenzee and Vonani Bila (Botsotso Publishing, 1998), The Red Laughter of Guns in Green Summer Rain _with Philip Zhuwao (Dye Hard Press, 2002), and _pushing from the riverbank (Dye Hard Press, 2010). In 1994, with Robert Berold, he coedited a collection of Eastern Cape school poetry called Parking Space (Institute for the Study of English in Africa). He has also coedited a collection of new South African prose and poetry with Arja Salafranca called _glass jars among trees _(Jacana, 2003). He teaches communications for social change at the Wits University Journalism Programme.
South Africa
Wits University
pushing from the riverbank_ _(Dye Hard Press, 2010), That kind of door (Deep South, 2018), Glass jars among trees: Prose and Poetry (Salafrance, Arja).
“Alan Finlay.” The Conversation, Accessed 19 November 2022.
"Alan Finlay’s pushing from the riverbank.” Peony Moon, Accessed 19 November 2022.
Cummiskey, Gary. "Alan Finlay: Poetry as Intervention." Dye Hard Interviews, Accessed 19 November 2022.
Finlay, Alan. "Poetry as intervention." Accessed November 19 2022.
Finlay, Alan. The Conversation, Accessed November 19 2022.
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