By Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto
Created as part of the African Poetry Digital Portal project.
This list, as much as it could, gathers the available and accessible digital materials within on Wole Soyinka’s poetry; and this was done with the use of online platforms like WorldCat, Google, Google Scholar, YouTube, Jstor, Project Muse, Amazon, Wikipedia, and Transition where most of Wole Soyinka’s works are archived. Also, I found valuable sources in the work-in-progress of Professors Ezenwa-Ohaeto and Ngozi Ezenwa-Ohaeto. Professor Ezenwa-Ohaeto was working on Wole Soyinka’s Biography until his death at Cambridge University, 2005.
This list offers those interested in the work of Wole Soyinka of the necessity for systemic and comprehensive materials in his poetry. In that line, I profusely thank Professor Kwame Dawes and Lorna Dawes for their assistance and for creating the platform, the African Poetry Digital Portal for archiving digitally the works of African writers, which enabled and germinated the idea to gather these materials that make-up the list on Wole Soyinka. Also, I thank Zainab Omarki, Olufunke Ogundimu, and Tryphena Yeboah for their patience with me and for answering my questions. I believe that this work will draw the needed attention that will do fairness and responsiveness to the significance of Soyinka’s poetry.
Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto
Edoro, Ainehi. “‘I Think of Poems I Have Lost’ | Watch Soyinka Read ‘Lost Poems.’” Brittle Paper, 7 Oct. 2014,
Soyinka, Wole. A Poem to All ‘Lost Poems’ by Wole Soyinka. 2019,
———. A Shuttle in the Crypt. Hill and Wang, 1972.
———. “Abiku.” Neopoet, 16 Dec. 2017, soyinka-poets-west-africa-workshop-0.
———. “Civilian and Soldier.” Best Poems, 17 July 2015,
———. “Dedication.” Best Poems, 2 May 2015,
———. “Dedication From Moremi.” Best Poems, 14 Jan. 2019,
———. Early Poems. Oxford University Press, 1998.
———. Early Poems. Oxford University Press, 1998.
———. “I Think It Rains.” Best Poems, 14 Jan. 2019,
———. Idanre & Other Poems. 2nd ed., Hill and Wang, 1969.
———. Idanre & Other Poems. Methuen, 1986.
———. “In the Small Hours.” Best Poems, 17 July 2015,
———. Mandela’s Earth and Other Poems. 1st ed., Random House, 1988.
———. Mandela’s Earth and Other Poems. 2nd ed., Fountain Publications, 1989.
———. Mandela’s Earth and Other Poems. Random House, 1988.
———. “Migrant.” Project Muse, 2021,
———. “Muhammad Ali at the Ringside, 1985 - ProQuest.” ProQuest, 1 July 1987,
———. “Night.” Best Poems, 14 Jan. 2019,
———. Ogun Abibiman. Collings, 1976.
———. “Poems by the Famous Poet - All Poetry.” All Poetry, 1934,
———. “Procession I - Hanging Day.” Best Poems, 17 July 2015,
———. Samarkand: And Other Markets I Have Known. Methuen, 2002.
———. Selected Poems. Methuen, 2001.
———. “Telephone Conversation.” Best Poems, 14 Jan. 2019,
———. “Telephone Conversation.” 2000,
———. The Child Before a Mirror of Strangers: A Poem by Nigerian Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka. 2019,
———. Wole Soyinka Reads His Poems, Alajere and Gulliver. (Audiotape). Transcription Feature Service, 1967.
———. Wole Soyinka Reads Yoruba Poetry with Okuta Percussion. MIGILA, 1994.
Ulysses, a Poem by Wole Soyinka. 2020,
Wole, Soyinka Reading the Telephone Conversation. 2012,
Wole Soyinka’s Tribute Poem to Mandela; “No! He Said.” SaharaTV, 2013,
Soyinka, Wole. Abiku. Translated by Barbara Klemm and Robert Lebeck, Verl. Thomas Reche, 2012.
———. Abiku: Gedichte. Translated by Julia Rotte and Hans Dieter Schäfer, Verlag Thomas Reche, 2012.
———. Idanre: Poème. Nouvelles éditions africaines, 1982.
———. Samarkand und andere Märkte: Gedichte. Ammann, 2004.
———. 撒馬爾干市集: 索因卡詩選. Translated by 楊澤. and 張定綺., Chu ban, 財團法人中華圖書出版事業發展基金會, 2003.
Soyinka, Wole. Africa39: New Writing from Africa South of the Sahara. Edited by Ellah Wakatama Allfrey, Bloomsbury, 2014.
———. Africa39: New Writing from Africa South of the Sahara. Edited by Ellah Wakatama Allfrey, Bloomsbury USA, 2014.
———. Aké: The Years of Childhood. 1st American ed, Random House, 1981.
———. Aké: The Years of Childhood. Minerva, 1994.
———. Aké: The Years of Childhood. Vintage Books, 1989.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth - ’Soyinka’s Great. Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, 2022.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2021.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Bloomsbury, 2021.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. First American edition, Pantheon Books, 2020.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2021.
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2021.
———. Ibadan, the Penkelemes Years: A Memoir: 1946-1965. Methuen, 1994.
———. Ibadan: The Penkelemes Years ; a Memoir, 1946-65. Methuen, 2001.
———. Season of Anomy. Century Hutchinson, 1988.
———. Season of Anomy. First Vintage International Edition, Vintage International/Vintage Books, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2021.
———. Silver Lining: An Anthology of Nigerian Literature. Edited by P. E. N. Nigeria et al., University Press PLC, 2019.
———. The Interpreters. : Heinemann, 1988.
———. The Interpreters. 2. kiad, Flamingo, 1987.
———. The Interpreters. 3rd impr, Fontana, 1974.
———. The Interpreters. 6th impr, Fontana, 1980.
———. The Interpreters. 6th impression, Collins ; Fontana, 1980.
———. The Interpreters. A. Deutsch, 1965,
———. The Interpreters. African Publ. Corp, 1972.
———. The Interpreters. Africana Pub. Corp, 1972,
———. The Interpreters. André Deutsch, 1996.
———. The Interpreters. Collier Books, 1970,
———. The Interpreters. First Vintage International Edition, Vintage International/Vintage Books, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC, 2021,
———. The Interpreters. Flamingo, 1986.
———. The Interpreters. Fontana, 1976.
———. The Interpreters. Fontana/Collins, 1972.
———. The Interpreters. Heinemann, 1970.
———. The Interpreters. Heinemann, 1981.
———. The Interpreters. Heinemann, 1988.
———. The Interpreters. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2021,
———. The Interpreters. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2021.
———. The Interpreters. Paperback edition, Heinemann, 1984.
———. The Interpreters. Repr, Heinemann, 1974.
———. The Interpreters. Repr, Heinemann, 1978.
———. The Interpreters. Vintage : Heinemann, 2021.
———. The Man Died. 1972.
———. The Man Died. 1998.
———. The Man Died: Prison Notes of Wole Soyinka. Noonday Press ed, Noonday Press, 1988.
———. The Man Died: Prison Notes of Wole Soyinka. Penguin, 1975.
———. The Man Died: Prison Notes. [1st U.S. ed.], Harper & Row, 1972,
———. The Man Died: Prison Notes. Rex Collings Ltd., 1972.
———. The Man Died: Prison Notes. Spectrum Books Ltd., 1988.
———. The Man Died: The Prison Notes of W.S. 1st Noonday Press ed, Noonday Press, 1988.
———. The Man Died: The Prison Notes of W.S. 1st Noonday Press ed, Noonday Press, 1988.
———. The Open Sore of a Continent: A Personal Narrative of the Nigerian Crisis. Oxford University Press, 1996.
———. You Must Set Forth at Dawn: A Memoir. Methuen, 1989.
———. You Must Set Forth at Dawn: A Memoir. Random House, 2006.
———. You Must Set Forth at Dawn: A Memoir. Trade paperback ed, Random House, 2007.
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, et al. Africa’s Best Stories: An Anthology of Africa’s Best Short Stories. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010.
———. “A Short Story Wriiten by Wole Soyinka When He Was 19.” The New Black Magazine, 2008,
———. Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. First American edition, Pantheon Books, 2020.
Soyinka, Wole. Cr̤nicas desde el pa̕s de la gente m̀s feliz de la Tierra. ALFAGUARA, 2022.
———. Crónicas desde el país de la gente más feliz de la Tierra. Translated by Inmaculada C. Pérez Parra, Primera edición en Castellano, Noviembre de 2021, Alfaguara : Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, 2021.
———. Die Ausleger. Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 1983.
———. Die Ausleger. 1983.
———. Die Ausleger: Roman. Ungekürzte Ausg, Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1986.
———. Die Ausleger Roman. Ungekürzte Ausg., 2. Aufl., 13.-18. Tsd, Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1987.
———. Die Ausleger Roman. 1. Aufl, Ammann, 2002,
———. Les Interpretes. Presence Africa, 2014.
———. Les interprètes. Présence africaine, 1991.
———. Los interpretes. Emecé, 1987.
———. Os intérpretes. Edições 70, 1980.
Soyinka, Wole, and Germaine Landré. Les interprètes: roman. Présence Africaine, 1979.
Soyinka, Wole, and Inge Uffelmann. Die Ausleger: Roman. 2. Aufl, Dt. Taschenbuch-Verl., 1986.
———. Die Ausleger: Roman. Walter, 1983.
———. Die glücklichsten Menschen der Welt Roman. 1. Auflage, Blessing, 2022,
월레소잉카 ; 권명식譯., and Wole Soyinka. 해설자들. Ch’op’an, 志學社, 1986.
[尼日利亚] 沃莱·索因卡著 ; 沈静, 石羽山 译., and Wole Soyinka. 诠释者. Translated by 沈静 and 石羽山, Di 1 ban, 北京燕山出版社, 2015.
渥雷 ・索因卡(Wole Soyinka)著 ; 張國禎, 顏斯華譯., et al. 詮釋者 = The interpreters. Chu ban, 唐山出版社, 傾向出版社, 2003.
索因卡著 ; 張國禎, 顔斯華譯., et al. 詮釋者. 敦理出版社, 1987.
León, Tania, and Wole Soyinka. Oh Yemanja: Interlude and Scene 11 from the Opera Scourge of the Hyacinths : For Mezzo-Soprano, Violoncello and Piano. Peermusic, 1994.
Soyinka, Wole. A Dance of the Forests. 8. impr, Oxford University Press, 1988.
———. A Dance of the Forests. 8th ed., Oxford University Press, 1988.
———. A Play of Giants. Methuen, 1984.
———. A Shuttle in the Crypt. 1st ed., Hill and Wang, 1972.
———. Aké: The Years of Childhood. Vintage, 1994.
———. Alápatà Àpáta: A Play for Yorubafonia, Class for Xenophiles. Bookcraft, 2011.
———. Before the Blackout. Orisun Acting Editions, 1965.
———. Camwood on the Leaves. Eyre Methuen, 1973.
———. Childe Internationale. Fountain Publications, 1987.
———. Collected Plays. Oxford University Press, 1973.
———. Collected Plays. Oxford University Press, 1973,
———. Collected Plays. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Soyinka, Wole. Death And The King’s Horseman. W W Norton, 2023.
Soyinka, Wole. From Zia, with Love. Fountain Publications, 1992.
———. From Zia, with Love ; and, A Scourge of Hyacinths. Methuen Drama, 1992.
———. Jero’s Metamorphosis. Alexander Street Press, 2010,;PL005877.
———. King Baabu: A Play in the Manner - Roughly - of Alfred Jarry. Methuen, 2002.
———. Kongi’s Harvest. Oxford University Press, 1993.
———. Kongi’s Harvest. Oxford University.Press, 1967.
———. Madmen and Specialists: A Play. 1st ed., Hill and Wang, 1971.
———. Madmen and Specialists: A Play. Hill and Wang, 1971.
———. Opera Wonyosi. 1st ed., Indiana University Press, 1981.
———. Opera Wonyosi. R. Collings, 1981.
———. Opera Wonyosi. 1st Midland Book ed, Indiana University Press, 1981.
———. Plays. Methuen Drama, 1998.
———. Requiem for a Futurologist. Rex Collings, 1985.
———. Scourge of Hyacinths: An Opera in Twelve Scenes : Libretto. Peermusic Classical, 1999.
———. Six Plays. Methuen, 1984.
———. Six Plays. Methuen, 1984.
———. The Bacchae of Euripides: A Communion Rite. [1st American ed.], Norton, 1974.
———. The Beatification of Area Boy: A Lagosian Kaleidoscope. Methuen Drama, 1995.
———. The Jero Plays. Methuen, 1986.
———. The Jero Plays. Eyre Methuen, 1973.
———. The Jero Plays (The Trials of Brother Jero and Jero’s Metamorphosis) – Booknook.Store. Spectrum Books, 1973,
———. The Lion and the Jewel. Oxford University Press, 1993.
———. The Lion and the Jewel. 33rd ed., Oxford University Press, 1990.
———. The Lion and the Jewel. Alexander Street Press, 2010,;PL005880.
———. The Lion and the Jewel; [Play]. Oxford University Press, 1969.
———. The Road. 6th ed., Oxford University Press, 1988.
———. The Road: [A Play]. Oxford University Press, 1965.
———. The Strong Breed. Orisun Press, 1969.
———. The Swamp-Dwellers. The Trials of Brother Jero. The Strong Breed. Mbari Publications, 1963.
———. The Trials of Brother Jero. 1995.
———. The Trials of Brother Jero. Oxford University Press, 1969.
———. The Trials of Brother Jero and the Strong Breed: Two Plays. Acting ed, Dramatists play service, 1969.
———. Three short plays. 7. impr, Oxford University Press, 1989.
———. Three short plays. 7th ed., Oxford University Press, 1989.
Soyinka, Wole, and Zodwa Motsa. The Invention ; &, the Detainee. 1st ed., Unisa Press, 2005.
Soyinka, W. From A Common Back Cloth: A Reassessment of the African Literary Image. 2016,
———. “From Chibok with Love.” The Journal of Pan-African Studies, 2015,
Soyinka, Wole. “A Name Is More Than the Tyranny of Taste.” Black Camera, vol. 12, no. 1, 2020, pp. 157–70,
———. “A Name Is More Than the Tyranny of Taste.” Black Camera, vol. 5, no. 1, Nov. 2013, pp. 237–50,
———. “A Name Is More Than the Tyranny of Taste.” Black Camera, vol. 5, no. 1, Nov. 2013, pp. 237–50,
———. African Theatre: Blackout, Blowout & beyond : Wole Soyinka’s Satirical Revue Sketches. Africa World Press, 2005.
———. “Africa’s Culture Producers.” Society, vol. 28, no. 2, Jan. 1991, pp. 32–40,
———. “Ali Mazrui and Skip Gates’ Africa Series.” The Black Scholar, vol. 30, no. 1, Mar. 2000, pp. 7–7,
———. “America in Transition.” Transition, vol. 100, 2008, pp. 6–10, JSTOR.
———. Art, Dialogue & Outrage: Essays on Literature and Culture. New Horn Press ; Distributed by H. Zell Associates, 1988,
———. Art, Dialogue, and Outrage: Essays on Literature and Culture. Pantheon Books, 1993.
———. “Between Truths and Indulgences: Africa’s Role in the Slave Trade and Its Consequences.” Transition, vol. 103, Nov. 2010, pp. 110–17,
———. “Beware The Cyclops.” ProQuest, 2002,
———. Beyond Aesthetics: Use, Abuse, and Dissonance in African Art Traditions. Bookcraft, 2020.
———. Beyond Aesthetics: Use, Abuse, and Dissonance in African Art Traditions. Yale University Press, 2020.
———. Beyond Aesthetics: Use, Abuse, and Dissonance in African Art Traditions. First Edition, Yale University Press, 2019.
———. “Beyond the Berlin Wall.” Transition, no. 51, 1991, p. 6,
———. “Centralism and Alienation.” International Social Science Journal, vol. 53, no. 167, Dec. 2002, pp. 13–18,
———. Climate of Fear: The Quest for Dignity in a Dehumanized World. 1st U.S. ed, Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2005,
———. “Cross-Currents: The ‘New African’ After Cultural Encounters.” Writers in East-West Encounter: New Cultural Bearings, edited by Guy Amirthanayagam, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1982, pp. 51–63,
———. “Democracy and the Cultural Apologia.” Africa Spectrum, vol. 29, no. 1, 1994, pp. 5-13., JSTOR.
———. “Discounting the Electorate.” West Africa Review, no. 5, 2004,
———. “Electoral Fraud and the Western Press.” Index on Censorship, vol. 12, no. 6, 1983, pp. 11–14,
———. “Ethics, Bio-Ethics and Environment in Healing Designs : Guest Lecture.” African Journal of Reproductive Health, vol. 13, no. 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 9–23,
———. “Exile.” Index on Censorship, vol. 31, no. 3, 2002, pp. 62–69,
———. “Exile.” Index on Censorship, vol. 31, no. 3, July 2002, pp. 61–69,
———. “Exile : Thresholds of Loss and Identity.” Caliban, vol. 7, no. 1, 2000, pp. 61–70,
———. “For Francis Abiola Irele—"Olohun-Iyo".” Transition, vol. 124, no. 1, Sept. 2017, pp. 1–3,
———. “From A Common Back Cloth: A Reassessment of the African Literary Image.” The American Scholar, vol. 32, no. 3, 1963, pp. 387–96,
———. “From Drama and the African World View (1976).” Twentieth Century Theatre: A Sourcebook, Routledge, 1995.
———. “From Ghetto to Garrison: A Chronic Case of Orisunitis.” Research in African Literatures, vol. 30, no. 4, 1999, pp. 6–23,
———. “From Myth, Literature, and the African World (1976).” I Am Because We Are: Readings in Africana Philosophy, edited by Fred Lee Hord et al., vol. 2, University of Massachusetts Press, 2016, pp. 104–13, JSTOR.
———. Interventions II. 2010,
———. Ìsarà: A Voyage around Essay. Bookcraft, 2014.
———. Ìsarà: A Voyage around Essay. Methuen, 2001.
———. Isara, a Voyage around Essay. Fountain Publications, 1989.
———. Isara, a Voyage around Essay. 1st ed, Random House, 1989.
———. Ìsarà, a Voyage around Essay. 1st Vintage international ed, Vintage Books, 1991.
———. “Jihad for Freedom.” Index on Censorship, vol. 18, no. 5, 1989, pp. 20–30,
———. “Memories of Rajat.” Transition, vol. 69, 1996, pp. 10–12, JSTOR.
———. “Migrant.” Transition, vol. 132, no. 1, 2021, pp. 462–63,
———. “Morality and Aesthetics in the Ritual Archetype*.” Tragedy, May 2014, pp. 298–322,
———. Myth, Literature, and the African World. Canto ed, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
———. Myth, Literature, and the African World. Cambridge University Press, 1976,
———. Myth, Literature, and the African World. Canto ed, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
———. Neo-Tarzanism: The Poetics of Pseudo-Tradition. 1975,
———. “Neo-Tarzanism: The Poetics of Pseudo-Tradition.” Transition, no. 48, 1975, p. 38,
———. Neo-Tarzanism: The Poetics of Pseudotraditionalism. 1975.
———. “New Imperialism.” Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers, 5 Dec. 2014,
———. New Imperialisms. Published by, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers for Mwalimu Nyerere Professorial Chair in Pan-African Studies, University of Dar es Salaam, 2010.
———. “No One’s in Charge of Nigeria.” Vanguard Newspaper, Dec. 2020,
———. Of Africa. Yale University Press, 2012.
———. Of Africa. Yale University Press, 2014.
———. Ogun Is the Metaphor of My Actual Existence. 1975.
———. “On the Trail of Transition.” Transition, no. 75/76, 1997, p. 414,
———. “Open Letter to the Kenyan High Commissioner.” Index on Censorship, vol. 17, no. 1, 1988, pp. 42–42,
———. “Power and Creative Strategies.” Index on Censorship, vol. 17, no. 7, Aug. 1988, pp. 7–9,
———. “Rajat Neogy Remembered.” Transition, vol. 106, no. 1, Nov. 2011, p. A-11,
———. “Religion and Human Rights.” Index on Censorship, vol. 17, no. 5, 1988, pp. 82–85,
———. “Remembering Ali Mazrui.” Transition, vol. 117, no. 1, Apr. 2015, pp. 192–93,
———. Requiem for a Futurologist. Rex Collings, 1985.
———. “Revisionism: History Lost and Found.” Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, Apr. 2020, pp. 173–85,
———. Salutation to the Gut. Pocket Gifts ; UK & USA distributor African Book Collective, 2002.
———. “Senghor: Lessons in Power.” Research in African Literatures, vol. 33, no. 4, Nov. 2002, pp. 1–2,
———. “Shakespeare and the Living Dramatist in Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century.” Shakespeare and the Living Dramatist in Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century, no. 36, 1983, pp. 1–10.
———. “Technology and the Artist.” Science and Public Policy, 1978,
———. “The Avoidance Word Still Screams Its Name: An Address to the ‘50th Anniversary of the 1st International Congress of Black Writers and Artists,’ in Paris, on September 19, 2006.” Transition, vol. 13, no. 3, 2007, pp. 8–17,
———. The Blackman and the Veil: A Century on ; and, Beyond the Berlin Wall: Lectures Delivered by Wole Soyinka on 31st August and 1st September, 1990. SEDCO : W.E.B. Du Bois Memorial Centre for Pan-African Culture, 1993.
———. The Burden of Memory, the Muse of Forgiveness. Oxford University Press, 2000.
———. The Credo of Being and Nothingness. Spectrum Books Limited, 1991.
———. “The Critic and Society: Barthes, Leftocracy, and Other Mythologies.” African American Review, vol. 50, no. 4, 2017, pp. 635–48,
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———. “The Dance Is Not Over.” Transition, vol. 116, no. 1, Nov. 2014, pp. 3–13,
———. The Deceptive Silence of Stolen Voices. Spectrum Books Limited, 2003.
———. “The Fourth Stage: Through the Mysteries of Ogun to the Origin of Yoruba Tragedy.” Black Theatre: Ritual Performance In The African Diaspora, edited by Paul Carter Harrison et al., Temple University Press, 2002, pp. 140–52, JSTOR.
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———. “The Man Died.” Transition, no. 75/76, 1997, p. 380,
———. “The National Question in Africa: Internal Imperatives.” Development and Change, vol. 27, no. 2, 1996, pp. 279–300,
———. The Open Sore of a Continent: A Personal Narrative of the Nigerian Crisis. Oxford University Press, 1996.
———. The Open Sore of a Continent: A Personal Narrative of the Nigerian Crisis. Oxford University Press, 1997.
———. The Road Map of a Nation : A Narrative of the First African Road Safety Corps. Bookcraft, 2018.
———. The Seven Signposts of Existence: Knowledge, Honour, Justice and Other Virtues. Pocket gifts, 1999.
———. “The Transitional Politics of Human.” Index on Censorship, vol. 22, no. 2, 1993, pp. 2–3,
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———. Theatre Matters: Performance and Culture on the World Stage. Edited by Richard Boon and Jane Plastow, 1st ed., Cambridge University Press, 1998,
———. “This Past Must Address Its Present (Dedicated to Nelson Mandela).” Black American Literature Forum, vol. 22, no. 3, 1988, p. 429,
———. Towards a True Theatre. 1975,
———. Towards a True Theatre. 1981.
———. “Triple Tropes of Trickery.” Transition, vol. 58, 1991, pp. 178–83, JSTOR.
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———. “Two Poems for the Pen.” Index on Censorship, vol. 28, no. 2, 1999, pp. 94–96,
Soyinka, Wole, and Tommie Shelby. “From Africa to the ‘Global Black’: Wole Soyinka Discusses His Tenure at Transition with Tommie Shelby.” Transition, vol. 106, no. 1, Nov. 2011, p. A-44,
Young, Crawford, and Wole Soyinka. “The Impossible Necessity of Nigeria: A Struggle for Nationhood.” Foreign Affairs, vol. 75, no. 6, 1996, p. 139,
Irele, Abiola, and Wole Soyinka, editors. Special Issue: Léopold Sédar Senghor. Research in African Literatures, 2002,
Soyinka, Wole, Martin Banham, et al. African Theatre: Blackout, Blowout & beyond : Wole Soyinka’s Satirical Revue Sketches. Africa World Press, 2005.
Soyinka, Wole, editor. Poems of Black Africa. 1st American ed, Hill and Wang, 1975.
———, editor. Poems of Black Africa. Heinemann, 1975.
———. Poems of Black Africa. Secker and Warburg, 1975,
———, editor. Poems of Black Africa. Heinemann, 1975.
———. Poems of Black Africa: Edited and Introduced by Wole Soyinka. Heinemann, 1975.
Soyinka, Wole, Valerie Amos, et al., editors. The Gods Who Send Us Gifts: An Anthology of African Short Stories. Ayebia Clarke Publishing, 2017.
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Al Jazeera. One on One with Wole Soyinka. 2011,
———. Talk to Al Jazeera - Wole Soyinka: “Islam Is Not in Danger.” 2014,
Al Jazeera English. Africa ... States of Independence - Interview: Wole Soyinka. 2010,
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CGTN Africa. TALK AFRICA: A Conversation with Wole Soyinka. 2017,
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